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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-09 12:21



热心网友 时间:2023-09-29 03:51

(Haha, my dear teacher .. teacher .. my dear, my dear teacher Li .. today is your 18-year-old's birthday. At this point, I would like to bless you. Birthday. Birthday Health (This is very important). good luck ..!! tonight's birthday party, you say you feel happiness. because there are so many students love you carefully to help you organize party. In fact, I would say. .. I am even more happy because the students around the I ask you to show up and the iron fragment No. technetium Nepal. Haha, really funny.!! Finally, the score. I lost. Hecu the end, I could fined. feel good ..

Lovely Teacher Li. Let me talk about my impression of your bar.
In fact. This is the first time I wrote to you. Why? In fact, this is the case, when I first come to class on you speak, I felt a special kind. Particularly friendly. Have a special sense of humor. I also feel that they "like" on you. 哈哈.!! so. I am also particularly active to answer questions.!! terrible not.? (previous lesson. you say that I particularly lovely blanket.)
The next. Let me introce myself bar.
Name; Pang Long (alias: A hole)
Gender: Male
Marital status: Single
Schools: Zhanjiang City, the fourth school.
Personality: I am a naive kind. Ignorance. And innocence. Lively and lovely little boy. Studies show that "My Lover" talking. Degrees in it. I want to say three words with you. "I love you" .

热心网友 时间:2023-09-29 03:51


性别: 男
Brother, Sister How are you. Brother take this opportunity to write an essay. I am writing in Chinese, please you help me translate into English. A vivid point of the best. Thank you. Which reads as follows.

  (Haha, my dear teacher .. teacher .. my dear, my dear teacher Li .. today is your 18-year-old's birthday. At this point, I would like to bless you. Birthday. Birthday Health (This is very important). good luck ..!! tonight's birthday party, you say you feel happiness. because there are so many students love you carefully to help you organize party. In fact, I would say. .. I am even more happy because the students around the I ask you to show up and the iron fragment No. technetium Nepal. Haha, really funny.!! Finally, the score. I lost. Hecu the end, I could fined. 哈哈. feel good ..

Lovely Teacher Li. Let me talk about my impression of your bar.

In fact. This is the first time I wrote to you. Why? In fact, this is the case, when I first come to class on you speak, I felt a special kind. Particularly friendly. Have a special sense of humor. I also feel that they "like" on you. 哈哈.!! so. I am also particularly active to answer questions.!! terrible not.? (previous lesson. you say that I particularly lovely blanket. 哈哈.)

 The next. Let me introce myself bar.

Name; Pang Long (alias: A hole)

Gender: Male

Marital status: Single

Schools: Zhanjiang City, the fourth school.

Personality: I am a naive kind. Ignorance. And innocence. Lively and lovely little boy. Studies show that "My Lover" talking. Degrees in it. I want to say three words with you. "I love you" .

热心网友 时间:2023-09-29 03:52

(Haha, my dear teacher .. my dear teacher , my dear teacher Li .. today is your 18-year-old's birthday. At this point, I would like to bless you. Birthday. Birthday Health (This is very important). good luck ..!! tonight's birthday party, you say you feel happiness. because there are so many students love you carefully to help you organize party. In fact, I would say. .. I am even more happy because the students around the I ask you to show up and the iron fragment No. technetium Nepal. Haha, really funny.!! Finally, the score. I lost. Hecu the end, I could fined. feel good ..

Lovely Teacher Li. Let me talk about my impression of your bar.

In fact. This is the first time I wrote to you. Why? In fact, this is the case, when I first come to class on you speak, I felt a special kind. Particularly friendly. Have a special sense of humor. I also feel that they "like" on you. so. I am also particularly active to answer questions.!! terrible not.? (previous lesson. you say that I particularly lovely blanket. )

 The next. Let me introce myself bar.

Name; Pang Long (alias: A hole)

Gender: Male

Marital status: Single

Schools: Zhanjiang City, the fourth school.

Personality: I am a naive kind. Ignorance. And innocence. Lively and lovely little boy. Studies show that "My Lover" talking. Degrees in it. I want to say three words with you. "I love you" .

热心网友 时间:2023-09-29 03:52

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