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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-19 06:52



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 10:36

He's cute becaus
The protagonist Gray is a junior high school kid.He is kind,honest,intelligent,playful,head full of ideas.His mother told him to keep a diary,he not only loosely describes the interesting or memorable,also painted many comic.In the diary,Gray tells him how to harness adventurous life in secondary school,how ingenious escape school singing competition,the most important is how to don't let anyone found his secret.
he is brave,his diary recorded his many interesting things,


小屁孩日记的英文读后感1 The holidays, I read a book, it"s called Wimpy Kid Diary, the contents of the book is too funny. This is the diary of a U.S. high school boys, the hero is called Gray, also called the kid actor, he emaciated love, timid, lazy, love of m...


he is brave,his diary recorded his many interesting things,希望能帮到你。满意望采纳哦


英文:The holidays,I read a book,it's called "Wimpy Kid Diary",the contents of the book is too funny.This is the diary of a U.S.high school boys,the hero is called Gray,also called the kid actor,he emaciated love,timid,lazy,love of mischief,but he is also smart wit....

求英文的《小屁孩日记》观后感 300词左右

powerful leadership, the masses are fooled, intimate brothers (because they are brothers, all the fun of his brother as his brother, brother brother, as a whole will not fell out, speak of the very funny),


本次的精读笔记选择是“Diary of a Wimpy Kid”系列丛书,中文叫《小屁孩日记》。因为之前在国外看到很多小朋友都会拿着这套书看,又看到国内一些英语达人推荐,我也尝试看了看。其实我并不是一个喜欢看儿童读物的人,但是看了之后才明白为什么这套丛书深受好评,而且牛人们也会推荐用这套丛书学英语。


英文解释:at a later time e.g.  I'll let you know later on.以后我会告诉你的。e.g. the sort of junk that might come in handy one day.这类垃圾以后也可能派上用场。Comment: 某些表达有用的句子里不要总是用useful,可以试着用come in handy这样的地道表达。e.g. be ...


This movie is funny from start to finish. It has everything a family movie should have. It has humor, and has a lesson we could all learn from this movie. Me and my dad laugh through out the whole movie and my dad rarely laughs. If you ever read the book than i should...


brother and beautiful girl...Diary of a Wimpy Kid is a ordinary story what we may have experienced or are experiencing. It's just a funny story about childhood that we all have like every normal kid.TAT 真的 完全自创· 思考 手打的 ,绝对找不到其它一样的哦。。。


It is ready to put the film as comedies, but to see the second half of the heart more not the taste. Always watch children's comedy, are a leading lady very silly very naive, then the beauty victory, a harmonious and happy childhood, memories of our memories. But the film...


英文解释:If you get the credit for something good, people praise you because you are responsible for it, or are thought to be responsible for it.e.g. We don't mind who gets the credit so long as we don't get the blame.谁受到表扬无所谓,只要我们不挨批就好。comment:to ...

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