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birds and their nest 第一句是 many people believe tha

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-19 10:49



热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 07:55

Many people believe that a bird's home and place to sleep is it's nest, but there is no scientific evidence to support this idea.
Zoologist observing birds found that they don't roost overnight in their nests, even if a storm is coming. Mallard cks and swans often tuck their heads between their wings and bodies and float on the water at night. Cranes, with their long legs, are fond of sleeping on the ground.
Since they don't sleep in the nest, why do birds still build nests? Birds usually lay and hatch eggs in their nests. After the eggs hatch, the nest becomes a place for the mother bird to care for her chicks. The nest soon becomes crowded as the chicks grow. After a while, there is no longer room for the mother in the nest. After the chicks grow into alt birds, the nests are abandoned. In short, there are nine thousand species of birds on the earth and most of them only use nests for breeding. They don't sleep in them at night.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 07:55

很多人以为鸟巢是鸟的家,是睡觉的地方,望采纳追问...不是翻译 这是一道七选五题

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