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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-22 03:44



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 12:29

Nowadays, almost every university student owns a computer. when computers make college students' life more convenience,also have brough some problems to them.

For one thing,computers provide us with so much convenience.First, there is much homework the teachers should send to the students, for them to download it. After finishing the homework, the students should send it back to the teachers. What’ s more, there are a variety of information published on the school’s website for , such as school’s notice, study method, experience sharing, family tutor interview, and students need to know any of them in time.
For another thing, computer can be dangerous if there are not properly used. Firstly, there are a number of computer games on the Internet, which are always very exciting. Many students who have no very strong sense of self-control will become addicted to computer games and neglect their study. Secondly, roommates will not communicate often with each other if they use much time online. So it is not good for students to build up the friendship.
Therefore, computers proce both positive affects and negative affects on us. As university students, we need to make use of our computers properly.
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