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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-26 06:27



热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 18:39

Birth of company resources management study of migrant workers

English Abstract

In this paper, for a study on the birth, the study focused on the company's human resources in the resource management issues of migrant workers. The full text is divided into eight chapters.
Chapter topics explain the background, purpose of the study and its significance.
Chapter II of the study pointed out that the theoretical background to the issue of the scope of the research involved in the theory, a comprehensive analysis of literature, as well as theory, the study of literature to help guide the work.
The third chapter is devoted to the subject of the investigation, what are the methods and means of investigation, as well as the implementation of research plan
Chapter IV of the situation of migrant workers on the birth of the company's findings and analysis
Chapter V of migrant workers on the birth of the company's evaluation of the management of the status quo
Chapter VI of migrant workers on the birth management company, the focus of the work, as well as management training and ecation, performance appraisal, remuneration, such as research and design work
Chapter VII of the birth of the company to the management of migrant workers and the views of the implementation of the program.
Chapter VIII of the migrant workers to today's society has become an important human resources, business and society should stand in the development of strategic importance to study and do a good job in the work of migrant workers. As well as its significance. Suggest that the authorities concerned to improve the management of migrant workers.

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