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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-23 10:50



热心网友 时间:2022-07-01 21:38

      1.The old man said: it's a blessing to meet, it's not to meet.
      2.Girls' journey is the sea of stars, not the love of the world.
      3.I hope the days are clear, looking up and meeting are tender.
      但愿日子都是清透 抬头遇见都是柔情
      4.Let bygones be bygones and go to the future together.
      5.Flowers don't have to be for florists. I have to be for you.
      花不一定是为了花店而开,我一定是为你而来。 ?
      6.The person I love is gentle and kind. I can't be grumpy.
      我爱的人温柔善良,我不能一身戾气。 ???
      7.Don't be discouraged. your good fortune is coming to you.
      别气馁呀 你的好运正在披荆斩棘的向你跑过来哦?
      8.When everything goes by, there will be gentle moonlight ahead.
      世事千帆过 前方终会是温柔和月光。
      May your life be always warm and gentle and shining.
      10.The harder / the better / the more independent / freer you are.
      越努力/越优秀/越独立/越自由。 ????

      11.There will always be someone / walking through the mountains and seas / coming to you.
      12.May you be your hero, not afraid to leave, not afraid to be alone.
      愿你能成为自己的英雄,不惧离别不怕孤独。 ???
      13.Draw happiness into a key point and recite it over and over again.
      把快乐画成重点反复背诵。 ???
      14.The shoulders of teenagers should bear the grass, the warblers and the breeze of the moon.
      15.Want to live as a beam of light to keep the people close to me warm.
      想自己活成一束光让靠近我的人都温暖。 ???
      16.Don't give yourself too much baggage, be yourself.
      17.In ordinary life, keep modest and hard working. No matter how small the light is, it should always shine.
      在平凡的生活里,保持谦虚和努力。光芒再小,也要永远闪亮。 ??? ????
      18.you are backlit with all the good things in this world
      19.May you be faithful to yourself, live earnestly and laugh freely.
      20.you must be a surprise someone islooking forward to
      21.这世界太吵闹,你要把自己照顾好。 ????
      The world is too noisy. Take care of yourself. ???
      22.cross the stars over the moon to meet your better self
      23.saw the dark end ahead, and there was light waiting for me.
      我看到前方黑暗的尽头,有光在等着我。 ????
      24.Thank you / in the corner of the world / for finding me.
      谢谢你/在这世界的角落/找到了我。 ???
      25.If the rest of your life is too long, you are always lucky
      26.It's too late / you can pass the exam / you can.
      来得及/考得上/你可以。 ???
      27.Life should always be sober / gentle / always know how to advance and retreat.
      生活要永远清醒/永远温柔/永远知进退。 ???
      28.May you grow into a strong alt and a young man who will always win everything.
      29.I'll meet you sooner or later.
      30.I have always been with you .
      31.Meeting may not have an ending / but it must be meaningful.
      32.May you live more like yourself than you are bound to.
      33.May you be with everything you like.
      祝你和你喜欢的一切在一起。 ???
      34.Wish us all well ,more than summer.
      35.Please be a great alt and a cuter child·
      请成为厉害的大人和更可爱的小孩 ??。
      36.At the moment I met you, all the stars turned to st.
      37.The world is splendid and grand. Welcome home.
      38.Miss autumn. I'll see you in winter.
      错过春天,那我们夏天见。 ???
      39.Born a layman, like money and moved.
      40.if you feel gentle, you will want to be gentle.
      感受到温柔,自己也会想变得温柔。 ???
      41.you must not stop / be the person you want to be.
      你一定不要停下/成为你想成为的那个人。 ?
      42.I am willing to be gentle, kind and brave for you.
      43.The dragon should be hidden in the cloud, you should be hidden in your heart.
      龙应当藏在云里, 你应当藏在心里。
      44.This unpleated calm day / is also shining.
      45.I will not try to pick the moon. I want the moon to come to me.
      46.My mind is very good to guess, except you are making a fortune.
      47.you're smart, you're beautiful, you're important.
      48.I'll see you when the show is over.
      49.Gentleness is the treasure of the world.
      温柔是人间宝藏 ??。
      50.you are so gentle, take two steps, the wind is sweet.
      51.We will go ashore in the sunshine.
      我们终将上岸 阳光万里。 ???
      52.Desire is supposed to be like a Mustang / but I just want you.
      53.May someone know you are cold and warm / understand your joys and sorrows.
      54.you are still the reason for me to be gentle to the world.
      你还是让我对世界温柔的理由。 ???
      55.Drunk eyes look at the world / everyone is gentle.
      56.I've been looking for the spring of my life / you just smile.
      57.I wish you all money.
      我祝各位有钱。 ? ???
      58.There are stars in the moon / I just want you.
      月有众星/我只要你。 ???
      59.the flowers in the south of the city are in bloom. Everything will be all right.
      城南花已开/一切都会好起来的。 ???
      60.as long as you're laughing, the world isn't so bad.
      61.Real and gentle, realistic but not sophisticated.
      62.if love is too difficult, I wish you all money.
      如果爱情太难/我祝各位有钱。 ???
      63.What you want in life, sudden wealth and freedom.
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