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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-10 15:12



热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 02:57

The metropolis newspaper in aspect and so on newspaper localization,market localization, news localization fused and has covered theformer evening news characteristic, even more took to report thesocial news, the sporting news and the entertainment news, realized bythe high common people has obtained generally audiences' universalwelcome, however took a Chinese localization was in sole possession ofthe media, the metropolis newspaper also experienced all sorts ofdifficult positions in the development process to meet very manyquestions, in market today, the metropolis newspaper also alreadygraally stepped onto the business management pattern in particular,superior win and the inferior wash out has been clear, if could notstand firm the heel in the market, inevitably is submerged by thebillowing development tide. The now metropolis newspaper operationsituation nothing but is three kinds, one kind is the vigorousdevelopment, progresses day by day; One kind is bogs down, waits foran opportunity but the line; Again has is the loss is huge, incapablegreat power. This needs us to give the analysis to the metropolisnewspaper present situation, for is in the turbulent current themetropolis newspaper to raise to awake, hoped is in the difficultposition the metropolis newspaper to be allowed to study the advancedmetropolis newspaper to go out the difficult position; The advancedmetropolis retribution unceasingly innovates avoids the homogeneity.But the great power sent the technique the metropolis newspaper alsoto be supposed to prove the market brutality. In market today, themetropolis newspaper outlet is precisely a topic which this paper mustinquire into.
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