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you and i歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-10 23:01



热心网友 时间:2024-10-26 11:33

wander 我在想
If you and I are gonna stay together 如果我们能在一起
Forever you and I 永远在一起
That would be nice 这该有多美好

You and I are playing house 就像过家家那样我们建立一个家
The dogs are baby 狗狗们是我们的孩子
I’m the husband you are the spouse 我是丈夫你是妻子
Somehow maybe we can get a little ranch 也许我们会有一个牧场
Out in the hallway 在走道旁边
The flat is our little mansion 公寓是我们的小家
You and I for always 我们永远在一起

If you and I are gonna stay together 如果我们在一起
Forever you and i 永远在一起
Got to do this right 要好好在一起
I can be the bearded husband 我会是长着胡子的丈夫
Just like my daddy 就像我父亲那样
You can stay and clean the house 你在家打扫屋子
And Do the laundry 洗洗衣服
On Saturdays we’ll go down to 周六我们可以去
The farmers’ market 农贸市场
Sundays we can go to the church 周日我们可以去教堂
To kill away the darkness 驱赶所有的黑暗
You and I 你和我
You and I 你和我

Remember you and I 记得你和我
First became together 刚开始在一起
October you and I 十月的我们
Those days are nice 那些日子多么美好

You and I are playing house就像过家家那样我们建立一个家
The dogs are baby 狗狗们是我们的孩子
I’m the husband you are spouse 我是丈夫你是妻子
Somehow maybe we can get a little ranch 也许我们能有个牧场
Out in the hallway 在走道旁边
The flat is our little mansion 公寓是我们的小家
You and I for always 我们永远在一起

热心网友 时间:2024-10-26 11:33

i wonder if you and i
are gonna stay together
forever you and i
that would be nice

you and i are playing house
the dog’s the baby
i’m the husband you’re the spouse
and somehow maybe
we can get a little ranch
out in the hallway
the flat is our little mansion
you and i for always

if you and i
are gonna stay together
forever you and i
we got to do this right

i can be the bearded husband
just like my daddy
you can stay and clean the house
and do the laundry

on saturdays we’ll go down to
the farmer’s market
sundays we could go to church
to kill away the darkness
you and i
you and i

ooo ooo ooo

remember when you and i
first became together
october you and i
those days were nice

热心网友 时间:2024-10-26 11:34

It's Been a long time since i came around
It's been along time but i'm back in town
But This time i'm not leaving without you
You Taste Like Whiskey when you kiss me (Oh)
I’ll Give up anything again to be your baby doll
Yeah this time i'm not leaving without you
You Said Sit Back Down where you belong
In the corner of my bar with your high heels on
Sit back down on the couch where we
made love for the first time
And you said to me
There's Something something about this place
Something about lonely nights
and my lipstick on your face
Something something about my Cool Nebraska Guy
Yeah something about baby you and i
Been two years since i let you go
I could've listened to a joke For rock'n'roll
your muscle cars drove a truck right through my heart
On my birthday you sang me a Heart of Gold
with a guitar humming and no clothes.
This time I'm not leaving without you.
You said 'Sit back down where you belong
In the corner of my bar with your high heels on.'
Sit back down on the couch where we
made love the first time and you said to me
'There's something, something about this place.'
Something about lonely nights
and my lipstick on your face.
Something something about my cool Nebraska guy
There's something about, baby, you and I.
You and I
You you and i You you and i
You you and i You and i
You you and i
You wanna gonna die
Without you and I~
Come on
Put your drinks down
You got whole lot of money but we still pay rent
Cause you can buy a house and a heaven
It's only 3 rent I'v served my whole life
It's been dead and the rascal and Jesus cry
Something, something about the chase
Six O years
I'm New York born and round your down
And my lipstick on your face
Something, something about the chase
and no one it is right
So push the drinks off
From the Nebraska,
From the Nebraska the Nebraska I love you
You and I You you and I
Baby, I'm gonna die
Thought you and I
You and I You you and I
Oh~ Nebraska from the die
Thought you and I
It's been a long time since I came around
It's been a long time but I'm back in town
And this time I'm not leaving without you
不吃惊!冇我符!初生之犊不畏虎。有靠山?勿乱估:未曾痛过不知苦!能解... 不识惊!冇我符!初生之犊不畏虎。 有靠山,勿乱估。未曾通过不知苦... ...不识惊!冇我符!初生之犊不畏虎。有靠山?勿乱估。末曾痛过不知苦... 不识惊!冇我符! 初生之犊不畏虎。 有靠山?勿乱估。 未曾痛过不知苦... ...有靠山?勿乱估。未曾痛过不知苦?猜生肖!答案加理由。 跪求各位大仙,算命准的帮帮我 各位大神,网友大哥。我今天抽了支签,第十四签,请各位帮忙解一下。谢谢... 跪求各位有懂的帮忙解一下这个签!!! 紫金所为什么这么牛气? 战争机器5中文配音怎么设置 福州动车站到福州市仓山区闽江大道318号坐几路公交车 仓山师范大学到福州12、18中公交路线 到福州火车站最快的公交路线 福州福能方圆大厦坐18路坐到哪个站离比较近? 福州冠亚广场哪些车可以到? 福州大学站到18路公交车站? 从福州火车站怎么到江滨公园的路线图 福州市仓山区金山街道福湾路与盘屿路交叉路口有哪些公交车路线 听说福州的18路公交车 路线,7月1日要改道 是怎么回事?知道的兄台告知一 ... 如果你现在在嵊州市三界镇蒋镇该如何填写淘宝收货地址? 常看广告里提3.3克的优质乳蛋白…… 牛奶中的乳蛋白实际起啥作用啊... 医师服务平台应参加简易程序却报错成一般程序怎么了改? 医师定考主治医师执业已满十年能否申请简易程序? 【01-08皇极炁入太极主廉贞炁如何入八小方】 廉贞煞的介绍 命主廉贞身主天梁 1992年12月20日16点30分女,请您看看明年的事业,未 ... 天盘一木三局,命主廉贞,身主文昌,请大师帮忙看下命盘哈 谢啦 九星落在廉贞是什么意思啊? 急急急!!!风水大师请帮评… 阴宅未山丑向,癸方来水(廉贞水)如何化解? 求Lady Gaga《You And I》的歌词及中文翻译…拜托各位了 3Q_百度知 ... 有一首歌,英文的,歌名叫you and i 英语歌曲中第一句是you and i 是什么歌 是女人唱的 一首英文歌 女的唱的 开头是You and i... 求一首英文歌曲女声唱的开头是you and I ,高潮部分有and I, I的音拖... 求Why Don't You And I中英文对照歌词~!要的是santana的... ...dnf130@dnf130.com 类似这样的不允许注册。 注册的邮箱地址能不能修改咋 我注册了邮箱地址为什么还不能使用啊 我的世界遇到一个绿色的怪物,白天不会自燃,是什么 有哪些和哥布林史莱姆石巨人一样普遍的怪物种类? 大家比较熟悉的怪物,例如史莱姆或者哥布林,还有什么其他的呢? 《关于我转生变成史莱姆这档事》中,利姆露和魔王的实力差距是怎样... 塔防游戏中有各种各样史莱姆的人物去打怪兽 还有弓箭手一些人物弓箭手是... 皇女的生存法则小说援助叫什么名字? 用什么办法给变色龙拍照答案 吃香蕉会长肚子吗? 小孩肚子涨没拉稀可以吃香蕉吗 农村大病有二次报销吗 吃香蕉拉肚不??