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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-17 05:38



懂视网 时间:2022-06-08 23:57




  My grandmother is the most important member of our big family. Grandma, she's 81 years old, but she doesn't look old. Grandma is a kind old man, she is very tough.. Black hair gradually gave birth to a little gray hair. But she's always been thrifty.


  Grandma is very hard-working, she has many grandchildren, her favorite, favorite children, of course, is me. What good things, what good things to eat or do for me, no matter what spoil me. Grandma gets up early every morning, tidying up the house and cooking. The whole morning, at home to busy washing. Ah, to noon, it's time to do lunch, one day can not rest.


  This is my grandma. Do you like it?



  My grandma's hair was half white and her face was wrinkled, but Grandma's hand was still very clever.


  Grandma can knit sweaters. My sweater is almost grandma knit me, grandma gave me the fabric of rabbit, snake, white swan, dog, chicken, panda, these small animal becomes vivid in my grandmother's men, especially the little panda its arms holding a bamboo tree, eyes wide, below it's also woven with Winnie English name.


  Grandma can embroider. Grandma embroidered lotus leaves, vivid, beautiful, lotus leaf like a small umbrella, and some lotus opened, and some lotus did not open, the painting is very large, hanging in our living room!


  This is my handy grandma!


  I have a kind grandmother, who is passing through the world now, but I still remember her kind face.

  The grandmother had a curly silver hair, a kind face with a few lines of fine lines, and a pair of dark eyes and a mouth that would make me obedient.

  My grandma used to help me with my lessons, wash my clothes, cook my meals and so on.

  I love my grandma. I want her back.






  My grandmother is a kind-heart granny who is popular among my neighbors. She takes a walk outside every day, so she is familiar with many people. She is so experienced in looking after babies, so some young mothers who have problems would like to ask her for help. My grandmother is always ready to help them. My grandmother loves me very much. She takes care of me since I was a little baby. I have always been taking care of by her, so that I don’t have to worry my life at all. I am so happy to have such a great granny. Now, she is getting old and I want to be the one who can look after her.



  My grandmother is sixty-two years old. She is healthy so that she walks around often. In the morning, she goes to buy food in the market early. There are several old grannies going with her. In their opinion, it’s a kind of exercise, because walking is important to their health. Besides, my grandmother is very active and easygoing. She makes many friends near my home, from her peer to the little babies. She always laughs and makes others happy. I think my grandmother is so lovely that I want to stay with her.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-08 21:05

My grandmother is seventy years of age who has a head of gray hair. My grandmother get along well with her neighbours. She is a kind-hearted person and is always ready to help others, so whenever people get into difficulties, they often go to her for help. She is respected by all her neighbours.
My grandmother enjoys watching Beijing Opera on TV and she shows much interest in the Dialogue of CCTV. She leads a simple but happy life.
She often tells me to be honest. She expects me to work hard at my lessons and be a useful person to the society in the future. I love my granny very much.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-08 22:23

My grandmother is sixty-two years old this year, her head is not high, hair as white as silver, eyes laughing slender flies, forehead wrinkles as a ridge, a ditch, deeply carved with her life and the vicissitudes of life.

I was six months old, in order not to affect the mother to work, my grandmother took me back home. Grandma work every day with my back, holding me dinner, hug me to sleep. I go to school, in order to add adequate nutrition to me, grandma every day to buy meat for me to eat, but also accompanied by a lot of vegetables with. I let the grandmother to eat, but she always said doesn't love to eat meat, but I eat the rest of the meat will be my grandmother called "cat" away. So she accompanied me through my unforgettable wonderful kindergarten time.

Grandma is a hardworking people. As grandma lived in the countryside, so accustomed to the busy season in the countryside of toil. Although it is the harvest season, but the old grandma did not compete over disease ridden this year -- grandma is ill in hospital, but she was always thinking of the crops in the field every day, every dinner, the dirty clothes... But every day is always saying my name, worried about me. Grandma is ill and I was very sad, so I will take advantage of leisure time with mom and dad go to see my grandma, Grandma see I will be full of energy; with high spirit, his eyes emit strange expression; not see I went to see her, she will be cast into the shade, nagging. This is my dear grandma.

My grandma is very ordinary but she is great. I love my grandma.

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