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初一英语作文关于自己的200字 要翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-15 18:51



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 14:09

hings about Me
I am Andrea. Perhaps the word "average" can best describe me. I am of average height, average weight and of average complexion. I have a thin face, double-lid eyes and a pointed nose. My hair is black, short and straight. I have never worn my hair long.I look like both my mother and
my father, but I have inherited their best parts.
lam a teacher, and I like my job. I believe her or his students can sometimes teach a teacher. Actually I have learnt a lot from my own teaching experience and my students. One particularly good thing about being a teacher is that I am learning something new each day and thus making progress each day. This is wonderful. Of course the income is modest, but on the other hand, quite stable. I keep growing all the time. I find great rewards both monetarily and mentally.
I have many hobbies: reading books, raising pets, making dresses, etc. I like volleyball very much, but I can't play it very often, because it is a team sport. It is difficult to get enough people to play volleyball with me. It's a shame. I derive great pleasure out of my hobbies.
Generally speaking, I am open, honest and easy-going. I hate hypocrisy and injustice. Fairness is very important to me. I try to be fair in everything I do. I have great appreciation for physical and spiritual independence. I am a bit disorganized and impatient sometimes.
I don't have many friends, but I do have a few. I have both male and female friends. We do sports together, go shopping together; and we exchange our views and ideas and share happiness and sadness. Of course we help each other if necessary. I always consider myself a lucky person. I am lucky in my family, I am lucky in my career, I am lucky in my friendship, I am lucky in many things. In one word, I am lucky in life. I am really grateful for all these.
我现在是一名教师,我热爱我的工作。我认为,一个老师有时也能从他(她)的学生那儿学到知识。事实上,从我的教书经历,从我的学生们那里,我学到了许多许多。 当老师特别好的一点就是每天我都在学习新的东西,并因此而每天取得进步。这真是棒极了。当然,收入并不高。然而,换个角度看,收入却是相当稳定的。我一直都在不断进步成长,在金钱方面与精神方面我都得到丰厚的回报。


热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 14:10

My name is XXX(你的名字).I am XX(你的年龄) years old .I am from XX.One of my favourite sports is swimming, because it is good for our health. I learned how to swim when I was only 5. My mom took me to swimming lesson. I still remember I was afraid of my coach. Now I am a good swimmer. I swim once a month in our regional swimming pool. I can do the 4 strokes, free style, butterfly, back stroke and breast stroke. Free style is my best. I can finish 50m in 45 seconds. Although I'm not a good swimmer as Michael Philps who won 8 gold medals in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, I'm still in love with swimming.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 14:10

A farmer has five sons.They are Ted,Bob,Tom,John and Bill. John has no elder brother. He was four years older when his first younger brother was born. The number of Tom's elder brothers is equal to his younger brothers. Bill will be twenty-one years old next year, and he is five years older than Bob. Bob is two years younger than Tom. Ted was sad because he has no younger brother. There are twelve years between him and John.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 14:11

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