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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-16 19:49



热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 02:15

陶喆英文名David Zee Tao, 祖籍上海,出生于香港,在台北长大,1997年发行首张专辑《陶喆》立即在乐坛掀起一阵R&B的热潮及旋风,因此陶喆也有“台湾Babyface”的美誉。定居美国洛杉矶
David Tao is a popular Taiwanese singer-songwriter. He is well-known for his signature R&B tunes and creativity.Tao was born in Hong Kong to parents who were famous entertainers in Taiwan. His father, Tao DaWei, was an actor/singer/composer and his mother a very well known Chinese opera singer. Tao spent some of his childhood in HongKong and ring his Soul Power concerts in Hong Kong, he shared some of his childhood memories. His father and mother supposedly eloped when his father could not get approval to marry his mother. Later his father decided to pursue his dream of working for Walt Disney and they migrated to US where David senior realised his dream and worked as an animator in Disney Burbank. His parents later returned to Taiwan where his father began his singing career, leaving David to complete his ecation in the United States. Left to himself, David took on many jobs even as a policeman in LAPD without the knowledge of his parents. Later working as a salesman, Tao met reputed Taiwanese procer, Wang Zhi Ping, who after finding out who he was, offered him a job. So Tao went back to Taiwan writing and later procing songs for many singers.

In 1997 with the help of Wang and another Taiwanese procer, Jim Lee, Tao released his first album under an independent label called Shock Records set up by Jin Ruei-yao, well known Taiwanese pop singer, and her husband. This album set a record in Taiwan ring the 9th GMA as the first album from a new singer to be nominated for 5 awards - Best Newcomer, Best Singer, Best Procer, Best Song and Best Album. Tao won two awards, Best Newcomer and Best Procer becoming the first newcomer/singer to also win a Best Procer award. Tao's first album was notable for the excellent proction and even more amazing, the album was entirely recorded in Tao's home in Los Angeles. The album also broke new ground in the music style and arrangement with its strong western influenced R&B flavor.


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