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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-17 03:10



热心网友 时间:2023-11-13 01:21

One day, 17-year-old Liu Mingming and his younger sister Liu Yingying came across a stray dog on their way home as they returned from a trip to the Great Wall. The dog looked dirty and seemed to have got no good care for a long time.
Before then they had sometimes also heard of the stray dog from their neighbors. It was said that it had got an owner previously, however, its owner had abandoned it, which made it a homeless stray dog. They had, for sure, ever seen the dog, but they had never paid attention to it even for once. This time it was because the dog was always fixing its eyes on them that they got aware of the poor dog.
"What a cute dog! How poor it is now... I'm sure that it'll become happy again if we take good care of it." Liu Mingming couldn't help losing himself in thought.
"What are you thinking?" Liu Yingying asked him.
"What a poor little dog! Shall we adopt it and take it to our home? Oh, no wonder it's always looking at us, it appears to be hungry now. Do you have any food for it, Yingying?"
"Yeah! I see." Liu Yingying crumbled a slice of toast she had taken out from her bag, took off one of the "Li-ning" sports shoes she was wearing and put the crumbled toast inside. "Here you are!" She brought the shoe to it. She smiled contently, watching it extend its mouth into her shoe and eat up the crumbled toast with good appetite.
"Come with us please!" At this moment, the dog had been closely following them to their home.
On the next day, they took it to the vet to give it an injection and then washed it thoroughly. The stray dog had got new owners and began to live a happy life with them.
From then on, they felt very proud every time they spoke to this, for they regarded it as a meaningful thing.
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