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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-05 04:58



热心网友 时间:2024-07-11 15:23

America of the harmony That beautiful fresh flower, because had green leaf walking armin arm, only then appears clear and is fresh and glossy; That bluesky, because had white clouds cleaning, only then appears 静穆 andis serene; That broad earth, because had the myriad things to supportthe lips, only then appeared peace and 馨香. But a person, a family,a society, even a country, not also is because mutually depends on forexistence, mutually complements, mutually promotes, the communaldevelopment, only then presents that all colors variegated harmonytogether? The harmony just like a picture, seems a song. The harmonyproces beautifully, the harmony has proced the strength. The harmony is not forcefully, but is allows nature to take itscourse. Not the harmonious life cannot have the sympathetic chord, isunable to play the life happy music movement! The harmony is notstagnates, also is not the coagulation, but is one kind of positiveadvance condition. In a place, has been harmonious today, could breaktomorrow by the new contradiction; We must do newly diligently strivefor achieve the new higher harmony. America of the harmony lies in tolerantly. Because has tolerantly onlythen has the harmony. Because has tolerantly only then has theharmony. Tolerant is in the human emotion seed, she can take root inhumanity's mind this piece of pure land germinates, again loves underprotection healthy growth. Forgives the heart is how great, she canextinguish the anger, she can influence evilly to broadcast dispersesnicely, she can the selfless offer, ever not haggle over. She lets usenjoy the sunlight general warmth. The raindrop general moistens -forgives the harmony, unexpectedly wonderful. The good faith is a precious diamond, is America's of the harmonycrystallization. The good faith feels better a rose, in the garden,she is most beautiful, is beautiful 妍艳 wants the drop; Is morebeautiful much the person surging emotions; Is much more beautiful; Ismuch more beautiful does not have the flaw. After had the good faith,harmonious America sufficiently manifested! America of the harmony does not tolerate the fame and fortune to tieup, only has lives simply the fame and fortune only then to be allowedto be called America of the harmony. The eagle is for assault theexpansive sky but in sky free ballooning, but is not for show off ownwing therefore the infinite sky has granted it the free joyful space;The sail only for braves all hardships but assaults the patterned silkin the sea to converge the emperor strong marsh approximately dryly topick up noon Alpha R 虼 to rip the chess 拇 蠛 8 枇 to instigateLei Chenfa 睦 衷 the F 涫 load catfish miserably lies the ash 阌waste to feed the sign pepper to refute male is elegant タcreates 嵴instry does not twist 粲 谧 the approximately dry male foreignnational sea? Some one kind of America, brings warm to the life, America of theharmony - constantly with our present, only is nobody pays attention,but I actually in accidentally have the discovery. I believedeverybody has listened to this speech: "The goodwill has happiness,the civilization brings the harmony. The friendship is one kind ofharmonious equality." ================================ Harmonious [ Discrimination concept ]: "Harmonious", the originalintention is or compromises in the ancient Greek the different thingconnection in the same place, usually uses in the music to express thedifferent tonality will be well distributed is becoming the scaletogether. In China ancient times the ancient book "the Book ofChanges" center, "and" was 大吉大利 drafts the elephant; In"Shangshu" center, "and" is used to describe the condition which thefamily, national, the day inferior system interior government is good,about coordinates. In the China traditional culture, "and" hasharmoniously, peaceful, harmonious, is friendly and so on theconnotation. Now, the harmonious achievement one kind of thought, theidea or the value already became the goal and the direction which manypeople pursues. But, the harmonious this concept and is very complex, it both mayapply in the philosophy domain, also may apply in the science or theartistic domain, but also may apply in social life each aspect. As aresult of this concept broadness, also has simultaneously created manyfuzziness, makes the people to be often easy in the exchange processto have the misunderstanding, or with difficulty accurate assuranceits meaning. First, is harmonious is a description objective regular concept The universe all things regularity in the brains reflection isa harmony. Second, is harmonious is expresses the main body subjectivefeeling the concept, namely esthetic concept The music, the drawing, the sculpture even construct and so onart, the expression is precisely the humanity to the objective thingsdirect feeling, whether they do give the person by the esthetic sense,directly is decided by them "is whether harmonious". Third, isharmonious is expresses the host object reciprocity the concept Between person and person, between person and nature, ifcomplements each other, mutually promotes, but is not mutuallycontradictory, mutually loses, that indicated between the person andthe person, between the person and the nature relations are"harmonious". Fourth, is harmonious is an indivial present values even religionemotion concept The harmonious achievement one kind of values, are the true,the good and the beautiful unification. The harmonious achievement onekind of values, are the human eternal pursue. [ Understanding key ]: The harmony is involves the humanity each fieldof activity the concept, it is the humanity regarding the cosmicinventory objective law overall description or the esthetic sensation,simultaneously it also is the humanity deals with each kind ofreciprocity the highest criterion or the value orientation, even orhumanity's spiritual belief or religious emotion origin. Although theharmony is an connotation rich, extends the widespread concept, it orhas to be most basic or the essential connotation, that is:Regularity or 无矛盾性. Harmonious external manifests often theperformance is one kind of order, one kind of dynamic balance orbalanced stable condition. [ Topic area ]: The accurate assurance topic involves the scope, isadvantageous to cuts the minute to the topic, is advantageous found tothe examinee in the topic scope suits oneself writes best cuts intothe spot. In the topic "is harmonious" on roughly including betweenthe person and between person's harmony and the person and the natureharmony. Between person and person's harmony including betweennational and national harmony, between national and nationality'sharmony, between department and department's harmony, betweenindependent indivial harmony and so on; Person and natural harmonyincluding person and nature harmony, in person and between nature eachkind of animal's harmony. But these also constitute the person andsociety's harmony. Very obviously, "harmonious" is a big topic, when writing must be ableto grasp "harmoniously" the scope, a aspect "is harmonious" writes. [ Thought indicates ]: First, based on own observation, the experienceand the ponder, discusses to "harmoniously" the understanding(discussion literary style) may in the topic area no matter whatchooses one kind of harmony to carry on explains two, the narrationand "is harmonious" the concerned person and the matter (narrationliterary style) 1. Person and natural harmonious Taoism thought primaryintention: Maintains the ecological equilibrium The harmony is one of Chinese nation traditional cultureessences, infiltrates the article the thick culture to mean, borrowspromulgates Taoism me altogether to know, the beauty gathers one, thethought and the natural perfect fusion boundary, analyzes betweenperson's thought essence and the natural mountain juicy rhyme,complements each other, mutually promotes and 谐美. ========================================== America of the harmony A hungmuy tea, the independent cold winter, beautifully in itsarrogant snow, beautifully has increased the scenery content in it. 雄鹰, direct impact Yunsiao, beautifully in its fierceness,beautifully has cut down the vault of heaven silence in it. They therefore are beautiful, is because flawlessly fused with thenature in, just right caused the life and the nature complements eachother. They are much more beautiful, is beautiful the eternal. Actually the nature everywhere is blooming the brilliance whichharmoniously brings. The floating clouds passed over gently andswiftly the sky, has dispelled boredom the sky emptiness, hasdeveloped the floating clouds space; The lily blooms to the mountainvalley, has increased the mountain valley vitality, disseminatedlily's delicate fragrance; The bird builds nest Yu Dashu, glowed thebig tree's vigor, the bird has obtained the joyful heaven. The worldmyriad things all outline the nature by the different abundant posturethe harmonious picture, lets each life all not will feel lonely,because it is and the entire nature melts. The harmony willbeautifully let beautifully naturally forever be stationed. Thing still so, much less person? The person is the natural control, the harmonious human relationsglory manifests incisively on their body. The field cultivationfarmer, the workshop bustles about the worker, the hospital save fromimpending death the nurse, the school which assists the woundedteaches the knowledge human engineer... ... Different post, differentvalue, but is precisely these different values condenses one kind ofstrength - entire society to be able harmoniously to revolve. Theharmony is the parents works hard for a lifetime an arc which but thetired curved spinal column forms, likes color Hongqiao to be equallybeautiful; The harmony is the teacher the sweat which workswholeheartedly for the dissemination civilization drops, likes thedewdrop equally crystal clear; The harmony is the soldier for defendsthe doggedly sincere which the motherland sprinkles, likes the sunsetglow to be equally gorgeous... ... The harmony is tolerant, isharmonious is understood, harmoniously everywhere is sparkling in thehuman civilization the ray. The harmony is an eternal topic. As slightly as the person and theperson, as is big as the country and the country, only has constructsharmoniously can obtain the development. We not also positively areconstructing the harmonious society? Hu Jintao pointed out that,realization society harmonious, the construction happy society,throughout is a society which the humanity diligently strives afterideal, also is includes the Communist Party of China a Marxismpolitical party unremitting pursue society to be ideal. The newrequest and the society develops which according to the new centurynew stage China economic society appear the new tendency newcharacteristic, we must construct the socialism harmonious society,should be the democratic government by law, the fair justice, the goodfaith friendly affection, is full of the energy, the stability has thesociety which the foreword, the person and the nature harmoniously istogether. America of the harmony, harmony of the American, is willingharmoniously to fill the world!=========================================== Seeks the harmony "The sky harmony, is puts on a body blue; The forest harmony,is throws over a body to be green; The sunlight harmony, like thediamond is dazzling; The setting sun harmony, has left behind thefinal beauty; But I pursue the harmony, is and the good friend picks -each friendship together, each joy, each piece of hope, eachsunlight... ... " Harmonious, then is one kind of happy feeling. The time in a hurry, the fleeting time resembles the water.Unconsciously center, I have grown up The childhood memory is a pieceby piece leaf, quietly falls gently from the childhood big tree, thenagain also is unable to return on the tree, only is that piece bypiece leaf still green jade dazzlingly. Also remembered that, thatvivacious little girl always likes opening the curious pupil to lookup to the deep blue clear sky, wants to melt into that blue; Alwayslikes with the small partners drilling in "the small house" in, lookedthe mischievous raindrop plays in the breeze. At that time day veryblue, at that time grass very blue, at that time nature is a howharmonious picture scroll, at that time I wanders about in the breeze,very is really happy. Now, I still love the blue sky, loves under the blue sky happy all,actually rarely has the time and the energy thin thin appreciation,occasionally gains ground looks, thought has plants the strangeunkindness in, lived as if has been short many appeal, increasednaturally several has permitted 忧烦 and is puzzled. The year alsolet me understand many before not once understood thing: The lifeoriginally is fills the thorn and rough. Harmonious, then is not in harmony perfect. In this is endless long-distance, must give oneself the confidence,hoped for oneself, struggles the courage for oneself which wrestles,selects a lamp for oneself, seeks belongs to own happiness.Harmonious, this time quietly has been rooted in own heart. What but is happiness? In my eye, happiness is not a pack of thickbill, magnificent incomparable upper and lower garments; Also is notcovers up the painful the tool, seeks after the moment enjoyment thegood wine. Happy, should be the heart's core subtle feeling, is aperson's clear feeling. Not helps when your delapidated mourning, apasser-by's smile, regards can
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