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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-05 04:58



热心网友 时间:2024-08-31 03:40

Venus and Serena Williams
Venus and Serena Williams are sisters. They are also both tennis champions who often have to

play each other! Venus is now eleventh in the world, and her younger sister Serena has moved

up to third.
The two sisters were born in a poor and dangerous area of California. It was full of drugs

and violence. In a recent interview, Venus spoke about the time when she and Serena were

practicing tennis and they had to run and hide as bullets started flying through the air.

Finally, in 1991, the sisters and their family moved to a safer area and since then they

have never looked back(回忆).
The sisters’ father, Richard, started to train Venus and Serena when they were young

children. He was always been very strict with his daughters, training them hard to compete

against each other. Brandi, the sisters’ mother, taught her daughters at home so that they

completed their high school while developing their tennis careers. Today, both sisters are

studying design at collage. They have already expressed a keen interest in working in design

after their tennis careers come to an end
The sisters’ road to success has been amazing. The first time Venus played in a big event

was in 1996. Since then, she has won Wimbledon and the US Open twice. Serena has continued

to improve and make fantastic progress. In 1999 and 2002, she won the US Open, and in 2002

and 2003, she was the women’s singles champion at Wimbledon. Has tennis ever caused

problems between the sisters? Fortunately, no. “We’re played each other before and it hasn

’t worried us yet!” says Venus. “If she wins,” Serena jokes, “Mama says she has to do

the dishes(洗碗)!”


热心网友 时间:2024-08-31 03:41

In order to translate a good advertising language, we must first correct understanding of a good advertising content. A good translation can bring people a sense of beauty, but also a direct impact on its effectiveness. To make the translation more outstanding ads sometimes need to take tim words, by words and explained.
(1) Tim Words and reced words
Diamond advertising words "a diamond is forever" translated into English: "Diamond permanent far, a water-circulating," added the words properly, it seems appropriate to make this slogan a natural, Lang Lang door. Of course, the word in Canada, when a certain note of the added words in meaning and tone to the original trade mark on both the reasonable and otherwise superfluous, but not as many.

There are a number of words in Chinese to often be translated into the four-character Chinese phrase structure, such as: good taste (taste pure), handsomeappearance (handsome in appearance), pretty and colorful (magnificent colorful), agreeable to taste (delicious taste buds ), aromatic flavor (fragrance rich). The four-character structure, reading contagious, with a Translation of the United States. This in a number of successful advertising translation can be found.

Coca-cola Company in the 20th century ring the era of the 20 most influential advertising slogan "The Pause That Refreshes" was translated as "bring cool moment" and later launched "You can't beat the feeling!" To "An irrepressible temptation" are very exciting.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-31 03:41

In order to translate a good advertising language, we must first correct understanding of a good advertising content. A good translation can bring people a sense of beauty, but also a direct impact on its effectiveness. To make the translation more outstanding ads sometimes need to take tim words, by words and explained.
(1) Tim Words and reced words
Diamond advertising words "a diamond is forever" translated into English: "Diamond permanent far, a water-circulating," added the words properly, it seems appropriate to make this slogan a natural, Lang Lang door. Of course, the word in Canada, when a certain note of the added words in meaning and tone to the original trade mark on both the reasonable and otherwise superfluous, but not as many.
There are a number of words in Chinese to often be translated into the four-character Chinese phrase structure, such as: good taste (taste pure), handsomeappearance (handsome in appearance), pretty and colorful (magnificent colorful), agreeable to taste (delicious taste buds ), aromatic flavor (fragrance rich). The four-character structure, reading contagious, with a Translation of the United States. This in a number of successful advertising translation can be found.
Coca-cola Company in the 20th century ring the era of the 20 most influential advertising slogan "The Pause That Refreshes" was translated as "bring cool moment" and later launched "You can't beat the feeling!" To "An irrepressible temptation" are very exciting.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-31 03:42

In order to translate a good advertising language, we must first correct understanding of a good advertising content. A good translation can bring people a sense of beauty, but also a direct impact on its effectiveness. To make the translation more outstanding ads sometimes need to take tim words, by words and explained.
(1) Tim Words and reced words
Diamond advertising words "a diamond is forever" translated into
English: "Diamond permanent far, a water-circulating," added the words properly, it seems appropriate to make this slogan a natural, Lang Lang door. Of course, the word in Canada, when a certain note of the added words in meaning and tone to the original trade mark on both the reasonable and otherwise superfluous, but not as many.

There are a number of words in Chinese to often be translated into the four-character Chinese phrase structure, such as: good taste (taste pure), handsomeappearance (handsome in appearance), pretty and colorful (magnificent colorful), agreeable to taste (delicious taste buds ), aromatic flavor (fragrance rich). The four-character structure, reading contagious, with a Translation of the United States. This in a number of successful advertising translation can be found.

Coca-cola Company in the 20th century ring the era of the 20 most influential advertising slogan "The Pause That Refreshes" was translated as "bring cool moment" and later launched "You can't beat the feeling!" To "An irrepressible temptation" are very exciting. 。

热心网友 时间:2024-08-31 03:43

In order to translate a good advertising language, we must first correct understanding of a good advertising content. A good translation can bring people a sense of beauty, but also a direct impact on its effectiveness. To make the translation more outstanding ads sometimes need to take tim words, by words and explained.

(1) Tim Words and reced words...

Diamond advertising words "a diamond is forever" translated into English: "Diamond permanent far, a water-circulating," added the words properly, it seems appropriate to make this slogan a natural, Lang Lang door. Of course, the word in Canada, when a certain note of the added words in meaning and tone to the original trade mark on both the reasonable and otherwise superfluous, but not as many.

There are a number of words in Chinese to often be translated into the four-character Chinese phrase structure, such as: good taste (taste pure), handsomeappearance (handsome in appearance), pretty and colorful (magnificent colorful), agreeable to taste (delicious taste buds ), aromatic flavor (fragrance rich). The four-character structure, reading contagious, with a Translation of the United States. This in a number of successful advertising translation can be found.

Coca-cola Company in the 20th century ring the era of the 20 most influential advertising slogan "The Pause That Refreshes" was translated as "bring cool moment" and later launched "You can't beat the feeling!" To "An irrepressible temptation" are very exciting.

参考资料:Coca-cola Company


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Venus and Serena Williams are sisters. They are also both tennis champions who often have to play each other! Venus is now eleventh in the world, and her younger sister Serena has moved up to third.The two sisters were born in a poor and dangerous area of California. It was ...

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