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《More》Selena Gomez歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-23 06:38



热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 19:54

I want more, I want more
I want more, I want more

Friday night and we're just talking
Stars are crashing in the sky
Burning just for you and I

We don't need to over think this
Nothing's gonna to bring us down
Show them what we're all about

All the way, one hundred one percent
We're gonna kill it, lead the pack
Gonna take this town

Let's go, what you wanna wait for?
Let's take everything we ask for
Come on and turn it up
Let's tell the world we want more, more, more
I want more

Let's go, take over the dance floor
You be mine and I will be yours
Come on and let it play
Let me hear you say more, more, more
I want more, I want more

Take my hand and pull me closer
Whisper nothings in my ear
'Til the walls just disappear

Feel the music take you higher
Feel my heart beat like a drum
Baby, you're the only one

All the way, one hundred one percent
We're gonna kill it, lead the pack
Gonna take this town

Let's go, what you wanna wait for?
Let's take everything we ask for
Come on and turn it up
Let's tell the world we want more, more, more
I want more

Let's go, take over the dance floor
You be mine and I will be yours
Come on and let it play
Let me hear you say more, more, more
I want more

Come on, everybody, let's go party
'Til they kick us out now, I don't care
I want more

Once get it started
We won't stop until we get it all out
Take me there, take me there
More, more, more, I want more

Let's go, what you wanna wait for?
Let's take everything we ask for
Come on and turn it up
Let's tell the world we want more, more, more
I want more

Let's go, take over the dance floor
You be mine and I will be yours
Come on and let it play
Let me hear you say more, more, more
I want more, I want more

热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 19:55

More lyrics by Selena Gomez

I want more, I want more
I want more, I want more

Friday night and we're just talking
Stars are crashing in the sky
Burning just for you and I

We don't need to over think this
Nothing's gonna to bring us down
Show them what we're all about

All the way, one hundred one percent
We're gonna kill it, lead the pack
Gonna take this town

Let's go, what you wanna wait for?
Let's take everything we ask for
Come on and turn it up
Let's tell the world we want more, more, more
I want more

Let's go, take over the dance floor
You be mine and I will be yours
Come on and let it play
Let me hear you say more, more, more
I want more, I want more

Take my hand and pull me closer
Whisper nothings in my ear
'Til the walls just disappear

Feel the music take you higher
Feel my heart beat like a drum
Baby, you're the only one

All the way, one hundred one percent
We're gonna kill it, lead the pack
Gonna take this town

Let's go, what you wanna wait for?
Let's take everything we ask for
Come on and turn it up
Let's tell the world we want more, more, more
I want more

Let's go, take over the dance floor
You be mine and I will be yours
Come on and let it play
Let me hear you say more, more, more
I want more

Come on, everybody, let's go party
'Til they kick us out now, I don't care
I want more

Once get it started
We won't stop until we get it all out
Take me there, take me there
More, more, more, I want more

Let's go, what you wanna wait for?
Let's take everything we ask for
Come on and turn it up
Let's tell the world we want more, more, more
I want more

Let's go, take over the dance floor
You be mine and I will be yours
Come on and let it play
Let me hear you say more, more, more
I want more, I want more
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