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Elliott Yamin的《YOU SAY》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-20 19:35



热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 00:10

歌手:Elliott Yamin
专辑:Best For You

Elliott Yamin - You Say
Maybe it was wrong to say
Nothing as you walked away
Baby I know you've been confused
Telling me that it's too late
I thought you say goodbye for good
But you're still here with me
How do we get so misunderstood
Cause you say (you say)
You ain't got time for me
Actions speak loud of every words
You try to say
You've rather be all by yourself
Oh but I can see the way
the way you look at me
And baby I don't believe
Believe what you say
You say you say
You know that is cool to look
Look the way you do tonight
Girl you know I'm on to you
Cause something just don't act up right
No I thought you said you felt unsure
Oh but hearts don't lie
Cause now you're back at my front door
Cause you say (you say)
You ain't got time (you got time baby)
Actions speak loud of every words
You try to say
You've rather be all by yourself
Oh but I can see the way
the way you look at me
And baby I don't believe
Believe what you say
You say you say
You thought I didn't care
I thought you wouldn't stay
I hope we can go futher from on this day
Let's start over again
We don't have to pretend
That it's over it's over
Cause you say
You ain't got time for me
Actions speak loud of every words
You try to say
You've rather be all by yourself
Oh but I can see the way
the way you look at me
And baby I don't believe
Believe what you say
You say
Oh I don't believe what you say
Maybe I was wrong to say
Nothing as you walked away

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