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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-21 07:39



热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 01:57

对医疗器械市场营销, 渠道开发, 经销商管理有浓厚兴趣。
To the medical instrument market marketing, the channel development, the dealer manages has the strong interest.
Open and bright, the work is careful, handles matters steady, the good communication and the power of expression, the organization and the coordinated ability, is good at studying, the greatly strengthened adaptive faculty and the team spirit, the willpower is firm, dares to accept the challenge.

与人类医学算是殊途同归,另外,我认为:专业知识固然重要,但更加重要的是一个人的品质和能力。 reaches the same goal or conclusion from different approaches with the human medicine, moreover, I thought: The specialized knowledge is no doubt important, but even more importantly a person's quality and ability.

I have the good communication ability, has the very strong team spirit; I honest honest, earnest steadfast; Has the strong enrance and pays great attention to work the detail; Although I am not doctor, but I pay attention to humanity's healthy enterprise similarly; I have the very strong dedication to work, the enterprise and learning capability; I lack, is only a stage, can let my aspiration, my ideal, my ability obtain the displaying stage.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 01:57

Is engaged in the company proxy proct the market introction and the post-sale service; to the medical instrument market marketing, the channel development, the dealer manages has the strong interest. is open and bright, the work is careful, handles matters steady, the good communication and the power of expression, the organization and the coordinated ability, is good at studying, the greatly strengthened adaptive faculty and the team spirit, the willpower is firm, dares to accept the challenge. and the human medicine is reaches the same goal or conclusion from different approaches, moreover, I thought: The specialized knowledge is no doubt important, but even more importantly a person's quality and ability. I have the good communication ability, has the very strong team spirit; I honest honest, earnest steadfast; Has the strong enrance and pays great attention to work the detail; Although I am not doctor, but I pay attention to humanity's healthy enterprise similarly; I have the very strong dedication to work, the enterprise and learning capability; I lack, is only a stage, can let my aspiration, my ideal, my ability obtain the displaying stage.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 01:58

Procts of companies engaged in marketing and after-sales service;

The medical device marketing, channel development, dealers are interested in management.
Character cheerful, careful work, doing things stable, good communication and expression, organization and coordination, and be good at learning, strong adaptability and teamwork, strong willpower, the courage to accept the challenge.

And human medicine is Shututonggui addition, I think: professional knowledge is important, but more important is that a person's quality and capacity.

I have good communication skills, have a strong team spirit and I honest, serious practical; have a stronger focus on the details and enrance; Although I am not a doctor, but I am equally concerned about human health cause I have a very Strong dedication and motivation and learning ability; I indispensable, is only a stage, one can make my vision, my ideals, I have the ability to display the stage.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 01:58

Procts of companies engaged in marketing and after-sales service;

The medical device marketing, channel development, dealers are interested in management.
Character cheerful, careful work, doing things stable, good communication and expression, organization and coordination, and be good at learning, strong adaptability and teamwork, strong willpower, the courage to accept the challenge.

And human medicine is Shututonggui addition, I think: professional knowledge is important, but more important is that a person's quality and capacity.

I have good communication skills, have a strong team spirit and I honest, serious practical; have a stronger focus on the details and enrance; Although I am not a doctor, but I am equally concerned about human health cause I have a very Strong dedication and motivation and learning ability; I indispensable, is only a stage, one can make my vision, my ideals, I have the ability to display the stage.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-15 01:59

Procts of companies engaged in marketing and after-sales service;

The medical device marketing, channel development, dealers are interested in management.
Character cheerful, careful work, doing things stable, good communication and expression, organization and coordination, and be good at learning, strong adaptability and teamwork, strong willpower, the courage to accept the challenge.

And human medicine is Shututonggui addition, I think: professional knowledge is important, but more important is that a person's quality and capacity.

I have good communication skills, have a strong team spirit and I honest, serious practical; have a stronger focus on the details and enrance; Although I am not a doctor, but I am equally concerned about human health cause I have a very Strong dedication and motivation and learning ability; I indispensable, is only a stage, one can make my vision, my ideals, I have the ability to display the stage.

On the above paragraphs of this, my standard of English in general, can be heard briefly, to be above the English curriculum vitae, so ask for help. Thanks!

I have the good communication ability, has the very strong team spirit; I honest honest, earnest steadfast; Has the strong endurance and pays great attention to work the detail; Although I am not doctor, but I pay attention to humanity's healthy enterprise similarly; I have the ...


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If you come to China, then later you can tell me who I am just a worship that is you really want to see you outside in addition to you I am a very reserved person ha ha


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