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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-20 07:03



热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 18:45

Good afternoon, today I am very happy to stand here to talk about myself.
I was born on a Countryside in southern China, which located in GuangDong Province. I am very happy that I can spend my whole childhood, it is a beautiful place, surrounded by the hills surrounding it.
First of all, I would like to talk about my family, there are 4 people in my family, my dad, my mom, and my brother. From small to large, I have a lot of things parents have to help me make decisions, but until I was 12 years old when , A question of my own life decisions, my parents let me choose to make their own decision, this decision is what?
Well, I must and we talk about my favorite sport, badminton. It almost let me give up my studies, to do a badminton player. I have to learn badminton is a surprise, when I was studying in primary schools, school choice requests of sports classes, I was elected the first table tennis, but my first practice, one of the people I won 21-2, after that, I am no longer afraid to remain in the table tennis team, so I chose to go to the badminton team, my team badminton done a good job, I often are the first team, so I had to stay in badminton five years, I am 12 years old, the city selected to coach the team, I think I have a talent for badminton, the team asked me to enter the city, I asked to go home after their parents, this time, they let me choose, finally, I Choose to go to school.
You know, in China, junior high school, there will be half of the students can not continue to go to school, so I have to go to school very hard, very fortunate that I have a lot of examinations, I entered a very good high school. However, a well-known very well, Outside the mountain has the mountain, outside the human has the human. After high school, my accomplishments are not the best, not the worst I have ever thought of doing the best, but the best group of students I gave up, they too crazy, just sitting all day long Where do exercises. In China, high school to college, there is also a half of the students can not continue to go to school, so competition is very fierce. When can I have a year on the university entrance exam, I came here.
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