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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-08 00:16



热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 23:34

一 helicopter abacus ferry ambulance handcuffs purse cycling trainer astronaut

二 one hundred and fifty-eight

two thousand and one

fourty-five percent

zero point twenty-five

six point zero three

sixty degree

six point fifty-nine

one thousand five hundred and seventy-one




一 play football wash his face play the violin make phone calls to sb. arguing fishing

二 (1)1,000、120、852 (2)15、79、17、27、2,005 (3) 3/10、3/5、3/7、7/9 (4) 50%、75% (5)25°、160°



(1)Sun is the only star in our salar system.

(2) It gives us heat and light.

(3) The moon is just 380,000 kilometers away.

(4) It looks much smaller because it is very for away.

(5) It takes four years for light to reach us from Alpha Centauri.


二 自己填,因为是按自己实际情况回答的问题


was/were cooked knew swam got taught leaved felt smelt drove ran thought kept bought began did

cost found throught stood spake came gave heard sold hurt saw steal took slept sit met brought flew

woke chose lost read rose wore


(1) Wat's your favourite sports?

(2) A man steal a purse from a tourist.

(3) They did cought the thief.

(4) Our class consist of 40 students.

(5) I aim the torch at his eye.

P49 (横着写)
1、 I attend school everyday. I attended church yesterday.
I will be attending a concert tomorrow.
I have to explain why I am late everyday.
I explained the question to her two days ago.
I will be explaining the details next week.
The thief steals everyday.
He stole the wallet last Sunday.
They will be stealing the painting tomorrow.
She likes to invite people to her house everday.
She invited me to her party yesterday.
She invited me to her party yesterday.
She will be inviting me to her party tomorrow.
2、 $75 $60 $15
1、The boy went to the recepttion.
2、The boy is at the recepttion .
3 The boy is far from the recepttion.
4、The cat jumped onto the table.
5、The cat on the table
6、The cat fall off the table.
7、It is above the car.
8、It is below the car.
9、The boy is in front of the car.
10、The boy is behind the car.
11、The policeman is behind two cars.
12、The boy walks into the house.
13、The girl is in the house.
14、 The boy walks out of the house .

The most important qualities:helpful,friendly,kind

Reasons:I think make friends should care about each other,help each other.

Feb 1: to clean up the house and prepare for reunion dinner;
Feb 1 till mid night: to dine till 2359 hours for the new year;
Feb 2: get lucky money
Feb 2: to pay our senior member of the family visit and wish them a very prosperous new year;
Feb 3: To visit our relatives and friend for new year;
走进大门的右侧是问讯处(formation desk)。鹦鹉馆紧挨着问讯处。如果需要饮料或想吃点东西,小吃部(cafeteria)就在鹦鹉馆的后面,所以有些嘈杂。狮虎山与鹦鹉馆相对,狮子在前,老虎在后。斑马在进大门左侧的第一个房子里。大象房正对着大门,而猴山则在挨着大象房的左角侧。袋鼠馆则在鹦鹉馆过去,紧挨着大象房的右角侧。最后,熊山在左侧的狮虎山和猴山之间。

I always take a shower.
I do the homework very often
I often play football
sometimes I watch the TV
I never go shopping
I don't often go to bed early o sometimes I go to bed early

1/The largest mammals in the world.
3/White Rhinoceeros
4/100 feet long
5/8000 pounds
6/White Rhinoceeros
In new year,my family want to travel,but every one have different ideas. so i look for many books,and i want go to beijin,because i think there is our capital city,i like the Great Wall and the imperial palace.and some food tastes delicious every year,a lot of visitors come to there. I think we have a good travel.
关于电视剧《黄真伊》的插曲 韩剧 黄真伊 片尾曲的中文意思和中文音译 我在淘宝办理退款,接到一个电话喊我登录一个网站,是真的还是假的 藏茶和安化黑茶最注重保存 藏茶和安化黑茶的定义 lq-635k打印机后进纸不吃纸 为什么我在网吧登英雄联盟女朋友马上就知道了 ...我玩过英雄联盟吗?为什么我爸总能知道我什么时候玩的,该怎么删除... 为什么我去网吧玩英雄联盟,我爸都知道?或者说我几点上的电脑都知道... 电信营业厅欺骗手段办理了宽带合约到账现在无法注销。一个月259元 梦见和老公一起走路 梦见摇篮里的小男孩大腿被锈钉子戳穿? 国外春节是什么时候 oppo手机文件管理彻底删除怎么恢复? 植树节的心情说说简短100句 中秋节为何叫中秋? 广西公务员考试加分问题 显两性的化学物质 桃脂怎么吃 dellg33579磁盘0是什么接口 dell 灵越系列的机子换ssd 需要什么规格的螺丝刀? 梦见很多不认识的死尸 下面哪些属于jstl中的标签,a,<c:out> b,<c:if> c,<c:color> d,<c:my... jstl中如何输出当前的星期天数 白居易的所有著名诗句? 致敬白衣天使的语句_护士节致敬疫情白衣天使简短 2023年考幼儿教师资格证看20201的书可以吗 李白有晚舟必归这首诗吗- 问一问 李白有《晚舟必归》这首诗吗? 罗云熙、吴倩的《追光者》讲述的是什么故事? 考点阅读七年级语文答案合肥工业大学 百分闯关七年级下册数学答案 英语好帮手阅读成长阅读理解与完形填空七年级答案(长江出版社)_百度... 快手发照片怎么配音乐 塔防三国志练将石有哪些作用 练将石详解 一个手机号只能申请一个健康码吗? 国华人寿健康养老计划险怎么样 卫生间风水:坐便器的坐向与位置 盐水核桃仁的做法步骤 盐水核桃仁需要哪些材料 ...人一直联系不上,以前从来没有梦见过他,昨晚梦见他遇害了,预示着什么... 梦见好久不见的亲人 礼的六要素中,你认为最重要的是哪一点?为什么? 礼仪的要素不包括什么? 微粒贷可以邀请开通吗? 融耀通宝江西分公司贷款靠谱吗- 问一问 溺水救援方式及注意事项 卸载软件需要卸载码,如何完全清除这个软件 一道英语选择题,急! 雅思写作同义词语替换整理 排骨汤搭配什么材料好?