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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-17 06:05



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 12:08

After a hundred years "Bell", a noise awakened me from the d ream, I looked at the bedside of the cal endar, you! I have to sleep a hundred y ears, and is now the 2109! I looked at all directions, "the house in how it all decorations, furniture then?" I said to himself. Suddenly a slight rustl e, like the emergence of furniture in my eyes. All of a sudden, I was eager to go out a nd see how the outside world, but how it could not open the door, so angry, I l ost in a fog, hard to kick the door click. At this time the door to speak, "the ma ster, as long as you say 'please open th e door' on the list." I can not understan d that the voice: "Please open the door! " Really opened the door. Door said: "T his is my housekeeping skills, if there ar e bad guys come, I would have him tra pped, and the police." I just came downstairs elevator, a beau tiful robot to me, she said she called Ca bi, is my robot Service, where I'm going to ask. I told her: "Please take me to ca mp Happiness." She took me to come t o a happy camp, happy camp has a lot of children in shouted, cried, smiled. Pl ay a variety of novelty toys. Service rob ot stand aside watching their little mast ers. I found a color Boundin bed. There fore, I have squeezed up. Dozens of mi nutes later,I came to the Office of the s tory, and children together to listen to s torytelling robot -------,about an hour l ater, my hungry, I would like to look ar ound to find a restaurant . Service robo t my card than came, pulling my hand, said: "Little master, I'll take you in front of the restaurant." I came clean and bright restaurant, deli cious food, have long been placed at th e dinner table. Than the original card h as long been good for my scheled lu nch, I eat up the food. Home, I open th e window and breathable, a grain of sa nd into my eyes. Hey! How their own ar e still in bed? Table is also a 2009 .cale ndar. It was a dream! <

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 12:09


热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 12:09


热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 12:10


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