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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-17 07:30



懂视网 时间:2023-02-16 19:26



  The long summer vacation is coming to an end, and I have taken part in many activities besides study, the most interesting of which is "catching fish".

  That day I came to the countryside, and my dad went to catch fish, we can see the bottom of the river a came to the river, through river water can see fish alive, I can't wait to the river, I catch fish and small dad game, I went to a fish, but how the grinch stole Christmas strange fish saw me and I catch it, it is a flash, I suddenly fell down to the, I flipped was determined to hold it and I went chasing up left a scratch, a scratch right indeed as expected but in the end it's all worthwhile I finally caught the fish, but again see oneself has become a drowned rat. But I was happy to catch a fish. I yelled at my little dad, "I caught a fish." "Just one," dad said. "I grabbed a bucket!" I ran over and saw that I had almost fainted!

  I really happy today, although lost, but because no matter winning or losing, let me get a harvest, also had happiness, the person also is compared to catch fish, as long as you work hard, diligently will certainly have a harvest.


  Looking forward to the stars to the moon, finally gained access to the annual summer vacation, let my mother promised me a vacation to my grandma's home, for I bought a new suit of clothes, I didn't afraid dirty to wear, wear it again when I have to wait until to my grandma's home.

  Mom and dad are busy I want to go to grandma's house, take the bus, I always pay attention to keep distance with the people around me, stepped on the foot it doesn't matter, can not touch the dirty my new clothes. I had to walk a long way down the road, looking at snow-white tops and fashionable shorts. The sun is too hot under the shade of the tree, and the sweat will soak the clothes. Imagine mygrandmother complimenting me on this fashionable dress, and I can't help laughing.

  One more bridge to my grandmother's house. I walk while sing just learning the song came to the bridge, an old man on the full of trash tricycle labored on the bridge, like one thousand catties of wheels, next step is just a little hard, I was just about to come forward to push, suddenly thought of: the scrap dirty, touch me? I retract the outstretched hand, speed up the row to the front of the tricycle, sweat streamed down the side to see the old man face, demanding expression makes myheart burst of sad, tricycle seemed to back down, dangerous, I'm a dashed past pull rope bound to waste, and after the car to resist tricycle, push hard and the car moved, across the bridge top to down, old man stepped on the brake at the back I pull the rear, the car safety across the bridge. The old man smiled and said to me, "thank you, my boy, you've got your clothes dirty." I smiled and said, "that's all right, old man.

  A hefty helping of stains on the new clothes, and sweat wet clothes back too, although some disappointment, but in the mind have a kind of say a joy, I helped others when others need help, but can not get my grandma for the compliment.

  On the way to grandma's house, me tell grandma, grandma stroked my head kind of say: "my baby grandson really understand, know the initiative to help others, take off your clothes quickly, grandma washing for you." "Grandma, I wash myself." The small courtyard was filled with the laughter of two people.

  After the holiday, I will still want to take the initiative to help others, the adults around all kua I am a good boy, this year's vacation is permeated with happiness.


  A funny thing happened during the summer vacation.

  On the morning of July 13, the weather was sunny and sunny, and my mother took me to visit my grandmother in lijia village, and I was very happy when my two sisters and two Cousins were also outside. This day, I play with two cousin together, the two of us you get me I get you, the ball, and then, I again and second cousin went to pick up pebbles along the river, we picked up a lot of strange stone, some like a pentagram, cars, and like a man's heart, there is... We picked up some stones and went to a temple next to them. There was a golden Buddha in the temple. We play for a while in the temple, we come back to grandma's home, in the evening, mysister and I are chase scenes, elder sister suddenly stepped on a stone and fell and feet are broken, I smiled from ear to ear, also tease she said: "you this idiot." She angrily say: "you this bad guy, see I do not kill you!" And I ran after me... The next morning, we were going home, and my sister was going with us, too. We were playing games on the road and had a great time.

  Are your summer fun, guys? Tell us!

热心网友 时间:2023-02-16 16:34



  In this summer, our community in order to enrich the children's summer vacation life, let everybody have a happy holiday, the rich and colorful activities, ball games, chess classes, painting classes, dance class... This time, I have also held a "fishing contest" that I've been looking forward to.

  In order to take part in the fishing contest, I find father borrowed the dormant fishing pole, succumb to the excited mood, the fishing pole wiped to wipe again, also learn how to prepare fish food with my father. After careful preparation of the fishing tackle, I look forward to the competition every day.

  On a sunny afternoon, the long-awaited "summer fishing contest" went on schele. The competition was held in the center of the garden, with a square of inflatable fish ponds. The fish pond is full of friends who come to compete and cheer.

  "Now I'm going to introce you to the rules of the game." "In one hour, the winner of the contest was the most fish caught," shouted one of the residents, holding a microphone. "Please put the fish in the small bucket next to you." "She added. At the command of auntie, everyone threw the fishing t line into the pool...

  "Ah! I've caught one! A little boy, not far from me, screamed and jumped. I ignored him and thought: my father has said that I must be quiet when I go fishing. So, I continued to stare at my line, a trace of the movement. After a while, I suddenly felt some movement of the fishing rod, and the line sank and I hurried to the end. "Oh! The fish is biting! A good, beautiful red tail fish was fluttered by me. Looking at the fish, I could not restrain my excitement, my hands trembled, and I quickly pocketed it. The children around me gave me a look of envy. I seemed to be smug, but I didn't stop, put on the t and drop the line. Isn't it god who CARES for me? I've been fishing a couple of other things, and it really makes my heart fly. Sweat was coming down from my brow, and I could not care, nothing could hinder my pleasant mood.


  A happy summer vacation is coming to an end. For many students, the two months are colorful and happy. Because they can play and broaden their horizons. My two months are busy, but I feel very proud. Because I got a lot of gains in these two months.

  One, three, five mornings a week, I go to the class in oseveral, two, four, six morning to learn English. In the afternoon, I also go to the dancing school to practice dancing. It's not easy to look forward to Sunday, and I have to do my summer homework. I'm too busy to do it. Even though I sometimes feel very reluctant, I feel like I'm going to school for the summer. But every day when I saw my mom and dad work hard to pick me up, and I was busy with my work, I finally understood my parents' good intentions. They are hoping that through my efforts, I will be able to perform better in the new semester. In order to live up to their expectations of me, I have listened attentively and actively in class every day, and learned a lot of knowledge. What is called a point of ploughing, a harvest. Sure enough, my efforts paid off. My English was the first in the cram school and the Olympic number five. It also makes me understand that hard work pays off.

  On the dance side, I learned to flip, front and back, hold the legs, hold the front legs, and grab the legs... On July 15, I was lucky enough to attend the opening ceremony of the "angel cup" party's basic knowledge raffle party. More to my delight, because of my efforts, the dance teacher told me that I could jump straight after school. During this summer holiday, I also deeply felt the love for our teacher. Since the establishment of our class blogosphere, there are few students who have started blogging, not many. Our blogosphere is always cold and clear. But the teacher is not disheartened, but continuously encourages us to be active in the blog, tell us to need to communicate more, to improve altogether.


  Steps quietly getting closer and closer to the summer vacation, even the hot summer, also could not prevent the "ambition" I want to go to travel, the motherland splendid sunvo is charming, but also have a home to let my dream will want to go to the place, it is ethnic village, there are many wild animals can feast my eyes, and see at ordinary times rare endangered species of rhino TongJinTieGu and a beautiful Angle sika deer, and a native of black bear, can close contact with them to understand their behavior is so attract me!

  There are many cultural performance regularly, whether it's the circus or Arab belly dance, surely will, fooling mention that look not panoramic view of amusement facilities, feared that the notorious big o, slowly rose to more than ten storeys high plummeted again, I would have imparted to a vestige, the amusement park dreamy surely brings me unlimited joy and good memories.

  Still have a dream for me to contact, but still place, that is the world's most famous ghost tales, ghost castle in England, it can be traced back to the 12th century ruins of the church, many things have not, but whether it's mysterious stones rolled the stairs, or the doorbell no one since the ring, let the villagers, even disturb the media, who were one of the most let me deeply is a poignant love story, the groom and the nuns had a feeling, but not to be permitted by the folkway, the leading role of men and women are horrible, nun die wall, male leading role was beheaded, sister became known as the diameter of the road, the headless paranormal legend spread,, there are also many love program ratings don't love life with camera captured many thriller is difficult to use scientific explanation of videos and photos, more added his mysterious color, although it seems that some of the disorderly god of the strange power, it arouses my curiosity, however, even now have been razed to the ground, I still want to go to the once see photo let I fear, afraid to sleep in the middle of the night the haunted house.

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