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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-15 23:17



懂视网 时间:2023-01-25 18:19



  Summer is so hot. It hasn’t rained for more than one month and the air is so stuffy. But today, the rain finally comes. I am so happy when I see the dark cloud. It is so cool, when wind blows. The wind blow my face. When rain stops, I go out of the house and breathe the fresh air. What a comfortable day.



  Rainy 1st August

  Today the weather was terrible,so I had to stay at home.


  In the afternoon,I finished some homework,then I thought that maybe today was very boring。I stared to surf the Internet ,and I found the movie 《Ghost Rider》which was directed by Mark Steven Johnson by accident and then I began to watch it. The movie told us that a lover of motorcycle called Johnny signed an agreement with a demon in order to save relatives' lives .However,he lost his spirit and had to work for the demon.Then He used his spell to fight with evil . The movie was so exciting that I couln't be calm 。I would never forget this movie.



  This morning,i woke up with a start: my clock was alarming. unwillingly opened my eyes, i found it was 6:30 already.nevertheless, the room was very gloomy, for it was raining outside. what a cold day! how comfortable it would be if i could stay in bed for the whole day, reading a favourite book in the sound of rain. but, i did have to go to work.

  Though it was a rush hour, on the way, there were fewer people than usual. many people arduously held an umbrella which was always blown down by a blast of wind.fortunately , i was dressed in a raincoat. several yards away, a policeman was guiding the traffic in the rain. i was filled with deep esteem for his seriousness.i kept thinking of today's plan for a short while and,then,i was in my office. a busy day is beginning ……


  This morning was very comfortable.The sun was shining so I took a walk in the park.The wind blowed softly and the air was so fresh.I stayed for a while in the park to enjoy such a wonderful morning.

  But in the afternoon it started to rain so hard.The wind also blowed hard it made the window sounds scary.But the lightning and the thunder are ever scarier.I looked outside of the window and saw the trees and the flowers were all shaking.It rained about two hours and I could only stayed at home.After the afternoon thundershower the air became cooler and moister.My mum said I couldn't go outside because it was wet.

  I really don't like raining days because it makes everything wet and I can't go playing outside.I like sunny days better so I hope it won't rain tomorrow.I hope it will be a warm,comfortable and sunny day.


  This morning was very comfortable.The sun was shining so I took a walk in the park.The wind blowed softly and the air was so fresh.I stayed for a while in the park to enjoy such a wonderful morning.

  But in the afternoon it started to rain so hard.The wind also blowed hard it made the window sounds scary.But the lightning and the thunder are ever scarier.I looked outside of the window and saw the trees and the flowers were all shaking.It rained about two hours and I could only stayed at home.After the afternoon thundershower the air became cooler and moister.My mum said I couldn't go outside because it was wet.

  I really don't like raining days because it makes everything wet and I can't go playing outside.I like sunny days better so I hope it won't rain tomorrow.I hope it will be a warm,comfortable and sunny day.

热心网友 时间:2023-01-25 15:27




The rain is so lovely that he is obscurity and falls on petals. Rain is an angels pure heart. A man who likes rain sees not only the purity of rain, but also the goodness of rain.

In the past few days in the rain xixilili, make my mood a lot.

When I came home from school, I waited at the station to see the crowd coming and going, watching everyone around us.

Some people may not bring an umbrella, run in the rain, want to find a place to take shelter from the rain; some people like to listen to the sound of the rain, stand there, close their eyes, and listen to the music in the rain; some people may like the feeling of rain on him, stand in the rain, and let the raindrop "beat"; some people Looking at the sky from time to time while sheltering from the rain, may be thinking, "God!" Please dont go down the water again.

God may have heard the voice of the man. Graally, the rain stopped, and the people on the street rose more. They tried to strive for their goals.

The rain moistened my heart and dampened my eyes. An unknown feeling enveloped me. I felt clearly that I was shocked by it. I suddenly associate rain with ones life course. When he was a child, he was so weak, but filled with illusions, and then he grew up to grow up a big cause, and then, he was old, with the sound of "beep" on the heart machine, his life, his soul quietly left his body. He ended his short life quietly.

Rain is also the same. When he falls on the ground, on the human body and on the umbrella, he also quietly ends his life, which brings people a sense of refreshing.

I wish it were rainy day every day...


Its raining。

I looked out of the window, and the drizzle was scattered in the breeze just to find the land that could moisten myself. I watched, eyes wet.

That day, there was a heavy rain. Mom braved the rain, brought the umbrella and clothes and told me: put on dry clothes, back to an umbrella ah, dont pour yourself. I nodded, watching the rain mother hurried back away.

The bell is ringing and the class is out. The students in our class are unwilling to rush out of the classroom and breathe the air in the classroom. I dont know who broke into the rain, and I was all wet. Its so refreshing to come up and speak. In this case, some boys ran into the rain for the so-called "heroic spirit", and rushed into the classroom, flinging their hair in the eyes of the girls, with a face of pride. Soon, a boy shouted, "girls are timid, even when they are afraid of rain. What can they do later?" I listened, teeth, angry, shouted: "what do you say we, who are you!" "You have the ability to do it!" The boys face a sinister smile. I pinched my fist: "do you think I dare not?" Hum! " Do not steamed steamed bread for breath, holding this idea. I rushed into the rain, the boy looked surprised, I like a winner, walked into the classroom to come swaggeringly.

School is over。 I deliberately not to open an umbrella, and the brave boys said: "this defeat you!" The boy said, "take it." I smile, smile, smile forget mothers words.

When I got home, my mother saw me wet. I didnt say anything. I drenched the clothes cold and asked me to switch to another set. I was immersed in happiness, ignoring the loss of my mothers face. After dinner, my mother said, "you know, Ive been waiting for you to come home." I had a tremor and said, "Oh." Go to the front of her mother, said: "Mom, I wont try to be brave." Mom touched my head: OK, do homework.

"Ding Ling!" The phone rang, and it was called by my mother. She asked me to go to her work place. I picked up an umbrella, hold good, slowly into the rain, rain, each I will open an umbrella, because my mother at home.

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