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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-16 17:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 19:19

4 6级挨着老实背,背完背托福词汇(张红岩还是俞敏红编的都可以,背完4 6级背托福词汇应该很快),然后最后背红宝(GRE词汇),barron3500,这些书挨着背,不要偷懒,吃得了苦才行,选择美国这条路本就艰辛。




热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 19:19

Reading 比较难..
这些题完全可以leave blank..

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 19:20

If you're planning to take the SATs you should be able to understand if I typed this in english :D
SAT is not as hard as people think. You just have to firmly grasp the format of the test and get use to the process. (3-4hrs straight of answering questions)
The writing part requires a basic essay, nothing fancy, five paragraphs, take ONE side only, stuff like that...
If you want to know more check out www.collegeboard.com. It has practice tests and you can also buy practice books there.
Good Luck! :D
Going to America is hard, but it's worth the work :D

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 19:21




1) abandon - extreme enthusiasm; dispensing of all inhibitions
2) abash - to humiliate
3) abate - to lessen
4) abbreviate - to shorten, abridge
5) abdicate - to formally give up a position ("to abdicate a throne")
6) aberration - departure from the normal; abnormality
7) abet - to encourage
8) abhor - to hate
9) abide - to follow or put up with ("to abide by the rules")
10) abject - utterly hopeless; miserable
11) abjure - to give up (rights); to deny
12) ablution - washing or cleansing the body as part of a religious rite
13) abnegate - to deny privilege to
14) abominable – something that causes disgust; easily hated
15) aboriginal - the first of its kind in a region
16) abortive - unsuccessful or fruitless
17) abrade - to wear away or rub off; to wear down in spirit
18) abridge – to edit a book by shortening the text
19) abrogate - to cancel; to nullify
20) abscond - to depart secretly, especially to avoid criminal charges
21) absolve - to free from blame or responsibility
22) abstemious - to be moderate, especially in eating and drinking
23) abstinence - the act of refraining from pleasurable activity, e.g.,
eating or drinking
24) abstruse - complex and difficult to comprehend
25) abuts - lie adjacent
26) accede - to give one's consent
27) accentuate – to put emphasis on
28) accessory – a partner in a crime
29) accolade - a mark of acknowledgement or expression of praise
30) accord - a formal reaching of agreement
31) accost - to greet; to address
32) accrue - to be added to by growth
33) acculturation - change of one culture from interacting with another
34) acerb - acid; sour
35) acme - highest point
36) acolyte - novice; young assistant
37) acquiesce - to comply; to yield
38) acquit – to free from charge
39) acrid - biting or harsh in odor or taste; deeply or violently bitter
40) acrimonious - bitter and sharp in language or tone; mean-spirited;
bitter; ill-natured. ("acrimonious remarks")
41) acumen – keen insight
42) acute - sharp; shrewd; severe
43) adage - a short proverb or saying
44) adamant - persistent; stubborn
45) adaptation - A composition that has been recast into a new form
46) addenm - something additional; an item to be added on
47) adce - to cite as an example or justification
48) adept - proficient; expert; highly skilled
49) adherent - someone who adheres to an opinion
50) adjudicate - to judge; to hear and decide a case in court
51) adjure - to command solemnly as if under oath
52) admonition - a gentle rebuke
53) adroit - nimble; skillful in the use of one's hands or body
54) alation - high praise
55) alterate - to make impure or tainted
56) ambrate - foreshadow
57) adventitious - happening by chance; incidental; accidental
58) adversity - misfortune, an unfavorable turn of events
59) advocate - to support
60) aeon - age
61) aesthetic - beautiful
62) affect - to influence or proce an effect on
63) affinity - a natural attraction between two things
64) affirmative - positive in nature; factually valid
65) affliction - suffering; a state of pain
66) affluent - prosperous
67) aggrandize - to raise the importance or make to appear great
68) aggravate - to make worse; to intensify
69) aggregate - total; to form into a mass or whole
70) agnostic - one who says that man cannot understand the nature of men
71) akin - showing a similar feature or quality
72) alacrity - eagerness; promptness; willingness
73) albatross - a significant impediment; handicap; burden
74) allay – to lessen fear; put something to rest; to mitigate; to calm
75) allegation – a statement that is unproven and needs to be proven
76) alleviate - to lighten
77) allude - to hint at
78) alluvial - pertaining to mud left by running water
79) aloof - cool; indifferent
80) altercation - a quarrel
81) altruistic - unselfish
82) amalgamate - to blend into a coherent single unit
83) ambidextrous - capable of using both hands with equal skill
84) ambient - surrounding atmosphere ("ambience of a restaurant")
85) ambiguous - vague; unclear
86) ambivalent - having conflicting feelings about something
87) amble - to saunter or stroll
88) ameliorate - to better
89) amenable - responsive; agreeable (to an idea)
90) amend - to formally alter from the original
91) amenity - a pleasant manner or feature
92) amiable - having a pleasant, cordial nature
93) amicable - friendly, agreeable
94) amity - friendliness
95) amoral - without moral standards
96) amorous - passionate
97) amorphous - formless ("an amoeba is amorphous")
98) amortize - to settle a debt by means of installment payments
99) anachronism - something in the wrong time period; out-of -date
100) analogy - similarity
101) analyst - someone who studies data
102) anarchy - the absence of government; a disordered and uncontrolled
103) anathema – a curse; abomination
104) ancillary - secondary; subordinate
105) androgynous - showing both male and female characteristics

106) anecdote - a short, personal story
107) anemic - lacking vitality; listless and weak
108) anesthetic - causing numbness; something that lessens sensation
109) animosity - intense hostility toward a person or thing
110) annul - to cancel
111) annunciate - to proclaim or announce
112) anomalous - abnormal; irregular
113) anonymous - nameless, without a disclosed identity
114) antagonist - foe, opponent, adversary
115) anthology – a collection of stories
116) antibiotic – something that kills bacteria
117) antipathy - strong dislike
118) antiquity - the quality of pertaining to long ago
119) antithesis - the opposite; highest possible contrast
120) apathetic – lacking feeling
121) apathy - indifference
122) aphorism - a short saying that illustrates an important principle or
123) aplomb - assurance; self-confidence
124) apocalyptic - having to do with revelation or prophecy
125) apocryphal - of bious origin; fictitious
126) apolitical – having no interest in politics
127) apostate - a renegade; one who desserts his principles
128) appalled – shocked; disgusted
129) appease – to deal with a demand
130) appellation - title or name
131) apportion – to allot
132) apposite – relevant; appropriate
133) appraise – to determine worth
134) apprehensive - uneasiness about the future; worried
135) apprise - to supply notice to.
136) approbation - an expression of warm approval; praise.
137) apropos - opportunely; as an apt point
138) apt - likely; fit; skillful
139) arbiter - a judge
140) arbitrary - biased or at random
141) arboreal - pertaining to trees
142) archaic – old, not contemporary or modern
143) archetypes – the original model by which other things are made
144) archipelago – a group of islands
145) ardent - intense; passionate; devoted; characterized by high emotion
146) arous - challenging and difficult
147) argot - slang
148) aridity – dryness
149) aroma - scent; smell
150) arrogance - proud and offensive self-esteem
151) artless - frank; without cunning
152) ascertain - to find out
153) ascetic - self-denying
154) ascribe - to give credit for
155) asinine - stupid or silly
156) askance - distrustfully
157) askew - turned to one side
158) asperity - harshness; severity in temper
159) aspersion - false accusation; slander
160) assertion - a positive statement or claim
161) assious - attentive; diligent
162) assuage - soften; alleviate
163) astral - pertaining to the stars
164) astute - shrewd; very smart; clever
165) asylum - sanctuary, shelter, refuge
166) atrophy - wasting away (of muscle)
167) atrophy - wasting away of muscle
168) attrition - grinding down; wearing down
169) audacious – bold; brazen; lacking timidity; fearless
170) augment - to increase
171) augury - prediction
172) august - stately; majestic
173) auspices - support; encouragement; patronage
174) auspicious - of favorable prospect; promising
175) austere - severe; strict
176) authentic - genuine
177) autocrat – a despotic ruler; a mean ruler
178) autonomous - self-governing
179) autonomy – independence
180) avail - to be beneficial or useful
181) avant-garde - of, relating to, or being part of an innovative group,
especially one in the arts: avant-garde painters; an avant-garde
theater piece.
182) avarice - greed
183) aver - assert
184) averse - reluctant; disinclined
185) avert - to turn aside; to prevent
186) avian – relating to birds
187) avid - greedy
188) avouch - declare strongly
189) avowal - an open admission or statement
190) avuncular – having to do with an uncle
191) awry - turned to one side
192) axiomatic - self-evident
193) badger - to annoy
194) balderdash - nonsense; a ridiculous idea
195) baleful - deadly; evil
196) balk - to stop and refuse to go on; to thwart; to frustrate; to prevent
197) ballad – a type of poem
198) balm – something that reces irritation
199) balmy - mild; refreshing
200) banal - commonplace


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