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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-15 20:28



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 04:30

  Something about An Airport
  Friends,do you have an experience of flying on a plane?Here are some instructions.First of all,you should book a ticket for you flight.Pay attention to the FLT No (flight number) and the departure time that are on the ticket.You should get to the airport about 1.5 to 2 hours earlier.Get your boarding pass with your ID card and your ticket.Remember your departure gate and departure time.Then wait at the departure lounge.If you are touring abroad,you may need some currency of the country you are going to,you can go to the currency exchange for it.You can also book a room for yourself at the hotel reservation.Now it's time to check in,and wait to board just at the departure gate.You'll be informed to board the plane about 20 minutes earlier.Afer getting on the plane,put your luggage in the luggage locker over your seat.Remember to fasten your seat belt.On the plane you can see some information about your flight,such as the scheled time(SCHED),the weather,the landing time and so on.You are not allowed to use some eletronic machines like computers and mobile phones.And now,everything is Ok,just enjoy your flight!
  Sometimes your flight is delayed for some reasons.When this happens,you can do nothing but wait or chang it.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 04:30

Friend jack from the sea to visit Beijing to you, because they can not go to the airport to receive him, and need to write a letter to tell him in detail from the airport to the British and Hong Kong Xiuying District Jinshan District of distance, to reach way, it takes time
水笔在手上画画会不会被衣服搽掉下来 老人每天大便次数很多量不多也不稀,每天还会拉三四次水应经三个月了... 从大连飞机场怎么去大连经济开发区5彩城K区的大连金港大酒店 除了打 ... 请问从大连周水子国际机场到经济技术开发区怎么走最省钱? 中国古代名刀总录中国古代十大名刀 怎样把qq安装到iphone里面 苏科大什么梗 苏科大叫什么名字 lol苏科大是苏州科技大学的吗 lol苏州科技大学为什么这么厉害 优尔精医用降温贴是不是保健品? 潮州哪里开房产查询证明 QQ加好友的时候,从哪里看和这个要加的人是否有共同好友呢? 我有两个qq号同时加一个人,那个人会知道这两个好友是同一个人吗 柳州房产查档证明在哪里开 无线网卡接不到短信 我的上网卡收不到短信 人教版高中英语属于什么类型 香港姊妹片尾曲~!~ 做梦梦见有一位老人给我说橄榄树下有橄榄是什么意思呢? 如何查询个人房产信息?房产信息证明在哪开? 理财婆彩图自动更新 iOS11公测版beta3用起来流畅不和10.3.3比怎么样 薨是什么意思 薨的用法 请问我现在要从北京西站到昌平区的商业街要坐几路公交?谢谢 北京西站到昌平怎么走最近? 王者荣耀梦境修炼怎么选英雄 北京西站到昌平区育知东路 解梦啊,梦见别人脚出血 索尼电视没反应,电视不运转 大家心目中能和来自新世界相媲美的动漫或小说都有哪些 头上方有个储物柜 用英语 石榴花有什么功效与作用 山桃草的养殖方法和注意事项 如何恢复已经删除的微信聊天记录,只有没有密码 如何分辨trap和电音这两种风格? 为什么老是有黑眼圈眼袋呢? 何为速刷手机pos机 梦见别人的花好,让她们分了一小花芽给我 十字绣用的绣线种类,丝线,涤棉线,棉线,涤纶线,哪种保存的时间长? 宿迁特产 关于宿迁特产 脸上不同部位长痘痘分别是由什么原因引起的? 形容意思含蓄深远,耐人寻味是哪个成语 请问下车床老师傅 车12MM 210长的 轴承 ( 有台阶 用于电机) 总是 前大后小。。我还打了百分表的 5丝内 hlgh空调是什么意思 猫咪带出去可以多久不上厕所 QQ炫舞音乐迷宫副本怎么进 音乐迷宫副本 QQ炫舞游乐场怎么玩? 处暑的问候语 有部电视剧里面有叫叶子春,叶子秋,叶子寒的,是三姐妹,请问这部电视连继剧叫什么名子 从动物身上得到的启示你想发明什么作文400字