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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-22 17:40



热心网友 时间:2023-02-19 19:59



With the development of living standards, going out to have a tourism is becoming a part of our life. But at the same time, uncivilized behaviors in tourism are frequently happening. So cultural tourism has became a hot topic in the society.

Especially in vacations, phenomena of uncivilized behavior in parks or museums everywhere. Even in foreign countries, our Chinese citizens still do naturally, it seriously affected our country's image. Of course, it has caused bad loss in ancient buildings and antiquities and our environments. So it's urgent to advocate to have a cultural tourism.

Firstly, we should keep in mind the sense of protecting the environment. And when we have a tourism, we had better watch out the warning words carefully and then obey the rules. For the sake of ourselves and our country, let's do some meaningful things for cultural tourism.


When I see the cartoon, I like to watch the cat machine very much, he has a time machine, he always helps his friend to fine something with time machine. The cartoon makes me think of what would I do if I have a time machine. If I have a time machine, the first thing I want to do is go back to the time when I play with my friend, he now moves to another place, I never say goodbye to him, I want to make it up and say goodbye to him. The second thing is I want to go back to the time when I shout at my mother, I regret about this all the time, I wish I had a chance to say sorry at that time. Now I have to face the truth that I will never have time machine, I should cherish the time and thing I own now, be nice to my mother.


My school life can be rich! And friends in the school study together play together eat together cleaning. Every day have a happy fulfilling. I was lucky enough to get along with classmate in a big family.

We read the text together in the classroom every morning morning reaidng once we again together in class. In class we like again became a Nemesis wish the teacher show his name let oneself to speak. That is how we in every class.

I remember when I was in the most happiness is I spit in the classroom my good friends and no don't care about me to take paper towel items to me let myself wiping his clothes. Strength of the students came to outside of the classroom to take the mop pool give off something I spit on the ground to clean and rub the ground bright as day. This made me feel very gratified. Even when I was at home some classmates or ask me to never mind. I did reply one by one they are also very hope I can get back to this family. The influence of this thing for me is very big.

In this big family I very happy. Over time is the "children" our class has two students in the class to open a birthday party then the happy moments in our class is coming again.

I love the family love my campus life with my classmates and friends!

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