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美容护理方面 中翻英1

发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-22 11:59



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 00:14

入秋高效保湿Autumn high moisture
入秋以后,天气渐凉,气候干燥,人们的皮肤在阵阵秋风吹拂下多显得粗糙不适。After the autumn, the weather becoming cooler, dry climate, people's skin in the autumn wind blowing across their discomfort of multi-look rough
这是季节在提醒你:该好好护肤了!This is the season to remind you: The good skin care of!
秋天,肌肤的锁水能力要大大下降。Fall, skin the ability to lock the water declined significantly
所以,保湿是最重要的功课。Therefore, the moisture is the most important lessons.
下面有秋季保湿的12个妙招,一起来分享。Here are the fall moisture of 12 coup, an up and sharing.
妙招1:多喝水。多喝开水是最好、最简单的护肤方法,不但可以加速新陈代谢的速度,把多余的废物通通赶出体外。Coup 1: drink plenty of water. Drink plenty of water is the best and most simple skin care methods, not only can speed up the metabolic rate, the excess waste out of them altogether in vitro.
妙招2:在房间里放盆水,让它代替你变干。Coup 2: In the room, put a basin of water and let it dry instead of you.
这可以避免水分在无声无息的空调下流失,让空调带走水盆里的水,而不是你脸上的水。This prevents water loss, under the silent air-conditioning, so that air basin where the water away, not your face water.
妙招3:夜晚敷在脸上一层厚厚的乳液。Coup 3: Night deposited a thick layer of lotion on the face.
夜里关门关窗,室内干燥,脸蛋紧绷得很。Closing a window closed at night, indoor dry, face very tight.
把你的保湿乳液厚厚地涂上两三层,乳液里的润泽因子可以将水分留在角质层,防止它流失太多。Put your moisturizer thickly coated with two three-story, lotion moisturizing factor can be inside the water stay in the cuticle to prevent it from loss of too much.
妙招4:摆株绿色植物,给你鲜活的环境。Coup 4: put strains of plants, to give you fresh environment.
平常在桌边放盆小植物,让它充当个小小的空气滤净器,会让你感觉更清新。 Usual place at the table of small pots of plants, it acts as a small air filter net device, and you will feel fresher.


Autumn high moisture

After the autumn, the weather becoming cooler, dry climate, people's skin in the autumn wind blowing across their discomfort of multi-look rough. This is the season to remind you: The good skin care of! Fall, skin the ability to lock the water declined significantly. Therefore, the moisture is the most important lessons. Here are the fall moisture of 12 coup, an up and sharing.
Coup 1: drink plenty of water. Drink plenty of water is the best and most simple skin care methods, not only can speed up the metabolic rate, the excess waste out of them altogether in vitro.
Coup 2: In the room, put a basin of water and let it dry instead of you. This prevents water loss, under the silent air-conditioning, so that air basin where the water away, not your face water.
Coup 3: Night deposited a thick layer of lotion on the face. Closing a window closed at night, indoor dry, face very tight. Put your moisturizer thickly coated with two three-story, lotion moisturizing factor can be inside the water stay in the cuticle to prevent it from loss of too much.
Coup 4: put strains of plants, to give you fresh environment. Usual place at the table of small pots of plants, it acts as a small air filter net device, and you will feel fresher.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 00:15

High-efficient HydroSafe in Autumn
When autumn comes, the weather becomes cooler, climate becomes dry, people's skin looks rough after autumn wind blowing . It is whatseason to remind you: It's time to care of your skin! During Fall, the water lock abilityof the skin declines significantly. Therefore, hydroSafe is the most important lesson. Here are 12 grand coups on hydrosafe, let's have a look.
Coup 1: Drink plenty of water.It is the best and most simple way to care the skin,it not only can speed up the metabolic rate,but also clean excessive waste out of body.
Coup 2: Put a basin of water in your room and let it dry instead of you. It prevents water loss under silent air-conditioning so that air carries water from basin not your face .
Coup 3: Deposited a thick layer of lotion on the face at night. Close your window and door at night will make indoor dry and your face very tight. Coat your moisturizer thickly with two or three layers, lotion moisturizing factor can make water stay in the cuticle layerto prevent it from lossing too much.
Coup 4: Put a strain of plant to give you fresh environment. Place a small pot of plant at the table ,which acts as a small air filter and make you feel fresher.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 00:15

Autumn high moisture
After the autumn, the weather becoming cooler, dry climate, people's skin in the autumn wind blowing across their discomfort of multi-look rough. This is the season to remind you: The good skin care of! Fall, skin the ability to lock the water declined significantly. Therefore, the moisture is the most important lessons. Here are the fall moisture of 12 coup, an up and sharing.
Coup 1: drink plenty of water. Drink plenty of water is the best and most simple skin care methods, not only can speed up the metabolic rate, the excess waste out of them altogether in vitro.
Coup 2: In the room, put a basin of water and let it dry instead of you. This prevents water loss, under the silent air-conditioning, so that air basin where the water away, not your face water.
Coup 3: Night deposited a thick layer of lotion on the face. Closing a window closed at night, indoor dry, face very tight. Put your moisturizer thickly coated with two three-story, lotion moisturizing factor can be inside the water stay in the cuticle to prevent it from loss of too much.
Coup 4: put strains of plants, to give you fresh environment. Usual place at the table of small pots of plants, it acts as a small air filter net device, and you will feel fresher.
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