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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-22 04:49



热心网友 时间:2023-05-02 23:50




  According to legend, in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the imperial concubine of Jin Xian Gong, in order to let his son Xi Qi take the throne, set up a scheme to kill Taizi Shen Sheng, and Shen Sheng was forced to commit suicide. Shensheng brother Chonger, in order to avoid disaster, exos. In exile, he suffered the humiliation. Originally followed him a nights men, mostly continued the rush to go to the way out. Only a few loyal people have been following him. One of them called the meson push. Once, he fainted from hunger. In order to save Chonger pion push, from his leg cut off a piece of meat, roasted with fire gave Chonger eat. After nineteen years of exile, the monarch, is the famous one of the spring and autumnwu BA jin.

  Jin after the ruling, and those of Fengshang dished him through thick and thin, but forget muon push. Someone pushed in a formidable presence for muon accuse. Jin old suddenly recall, had heart, immediately sent to a demonstration of jie. However, the difference is a few times, the meson can not push. After had to close to you. However, when the Duke Wen of Jin Jie Zaitui came home, saw the door closed. Jie want to see him, carrying a mother has to hide in the mountain (now Shanxi Jiexiu County in the Southeast). Then let him Yulinjun disorder on the Mianshan search, did not find. So someone came up with an idea that it was better to set fire to the mountain, three sides to ignite and leave a party. When the fire started, he would push himself out. After the fire is ordered to burn up the mountain, but the fire burned for three days and nights, after the fire, ultimately see muon out. The mountain view, both mother holding a push charred big willow tree has died. In order to commemorate the preposition push, the Jin Wen Gong ordered to change Mian mountain to "meso mountain", set up an ancestral temple on the mountain, and set the day of fire and burn the mountain as the cold food festival.

  Qingming Festival, also known as the March Festival, has a history of more than 2000 years. Before the April 5th, Qingming Festival is one of the twenty-four solar terms. In the twenty-four solar terms, both the solar terms and the festivals are pure brightness. Since twenty-four throttle objectively reflects the changes in temperature, rainfall, and phenology in the four seasons of the year, the ancient working people used it to arrange agricultural activities. "Huainan Zi, astronomy training" cloud: "fifteen days after the vernal equinox, fight to B is clear and bright." According to the "age" questions saying: "all things are clean and bright and clean growth at this time. So it is clear that it is clear. " Qingming, temperatures rise, increased rainfall is a good spring season of spring. So there before Qingming, sow beans "," afforestation, tyo Qingming "nongyan. This solar terms is closely related to agricultural proction.

  However, Qingming is different from pure solar terms as a holiday. Solar terms are symbols of phenological change and seasonal order in China, while festivals contain certain customs and commemorative meanings.

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