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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 21:13



懂视网 时间:2022-04-20 17:48

  通常我们对最终设计至关重要,但在幕后有很多流程,例如草图。 草图是是把想法作为一种思想框架描绘出来。 有时客户需要一个独特的品牌新标识或字体更方便画在纸上,之后扫描到 Photoshop 和 Illustrator。这里分享20个新颖的字体设计草图,带给你灵感。

  • 让人惊叹的的创意404错误页面设计
  • 20幅精美绝伦的光涂鸦摄影作品欣赏
  • 25个别出心裁的简历设计作品欣赏
  • 25个令人惊叹的国外手工纸艺术品
  • 30幅美得令人窒息的风景倒影照片
  • 1. Typography (Creative Mints) by Mike | Creative Mints

    20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

    2. Living Stream by Eddie Lobanovskiy

    20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

    3. Handlettered Logotypes by Mateusz Witczak

    20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

    4. Happy Birthday To You by Ross Moody

    20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

    5. Logo&Type – Handlettering by Mateusz Witczak

    20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

    6. The Sketch Collection Vol02 by Marcelo Schultz

    20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

    7. Awaken Our Hearts – Sketch by Drew Melton

    20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

    8. Hand Type Vol. 14 by Raul Alejandro

    20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

    9. Friday Type 2 – Marceloschultz.Com by Marcelo Schultz

    20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

    10. Fantastic by Olga Vasik

    20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

    11. Sullen Style Play by Ryan Hamrick

    20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

    12. Brush Lettering Collection No. 1 by Neil Secretario

    20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

    13. Sketches & Logos 2013 by Jackson Alves

    20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

    14. Voyager by Pellisco

    20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

    15. Self Portrait by Carl Fredrik Angell

    20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

    16. NSAAFA exhibition of students by Steve Seven

    20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

    17. Moonshine Bandits: Custom Lettering Logo Design by Pale Horse

    20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

    18. Sketches & Logos 2013 by Jackson Alves

    20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

    19. Chronic Creator by Sean McCabe

    20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration

    20. Thank God It’s Friday ! by Marcelo Schultz

    20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches for Your Inspiration


  • 25幅独特的字符头像艺术作品欣赏
  • 40幅创意的街头墙绘艺术作品欣赏
  • 30幅动人心脾的优秀摄影作品欣赏
  • 25佳超乎想象的纸艺术作品欣赏
  • 25幅非常漂亮的倒影摄影作品欣赏
  • 20 Amazing Examples of Typography Sketches

    文章来源:梦想天空 ◆ 关注前端开发技术 ◆ 分享网页设计资源

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