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Keith Anderson的《Adaliene》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-17 10:01



热心网友 时间:2023-08-23 19:28

歌手:Keith Anderson

Keith Anderson - Adaliene
The first naked lady I ever saw,
Was that tattoo on my uncle's arm.
On daddy's farm that summer he drove up,
And helped us build that barn.
He rolled up his sleeves,
His arms were lean.
He flexed and made her dance for me.
I turned red and we both laughed.
And hoped my daddy didn't see.
He got all teary-eyed and serious,
When I asked him who she was.
That's Adaliene, in '63.
I wish you could have met her,
She was everything to me.
Hear it all the time, love at first sight.
When I saw that girl I knew I had to love her all my life.
I was just 19 when I got this thing,
And I swear that it still stings,
Everytime I think about my Adaliene.
Get back to work you lazy bums,
My daddy joked, he's lying son.
Whatever it is he said he did,
You can best believe he's never done.
Mom yelled hey guys, it's supper time.
Wipe off your feet and wash your hands.
And as we did I said Hey dad,
You ever seen that tattoo dance?
He got all teary-eyed and serious,
He shook his head and said,
Yeah I remember her.
That's Adaliene, in '63
First time I ever saw your uncle take a drink.
Hear it all the time, love at first sight.
When I saw her in his arms I knew he'd love her all his life.
I was 24 in your Grandpa's Ford,
And I paid for all that ink.
Yeah I know all about that Adaliene.
I knew her well,
Hell, all he ever talked about from the moment that he fell
Were those wedding bells,
That house up on the hill.
And how empty and how lonely life would be,
Without his Adaliene.
Hear it all the time, love at first sight.
When I saw that girl I knew I'd have to love her all my life.
I was just 19 when I got this thing,
And I swear that it still stings,
Everytime I think about my Adaliene.

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