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求一篇英语短文 矿物质元素对人体影响

发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-16 06:38



热心网友 时间:2023-10-01 15:19

1, protein
The main function of protein is to maintain growth, renewal and repair human tissue. Protein deficiency, child development affected; alt physical decline, prone to disease; disease is not easy to recover, and even worse, affect the health.
Secondly, the protein to regulate the human body physiology function, catalytic metabolism play an important role.
Third, the protein is the source of the heat.
Fourth, the humoral immunity is performed by antibody and complement, consisting of white blood cells and antibody complement the need for adequate protein. 60 kg alt daily supply 40-60 grams of protein can ensure the body needs. Children, pregnant women, the supply of 4 months later, the patient, the wounded by weight meter should be higher than that of normal alt, 3 times the baby should be higher than the alt.
2, fat
The main function is to supply the human body heat fat, protect the internal organs, to maintain body temperature, lipid is the necessary components of cells, save the protein. According to the total energy meter, children fat supply accounted for about 35% of the total energy into daily, should not exceed 25%. However, long-term consumption of high energy, high in fat, cholesterol and refined sugar is the main cause of hyperlipidemia and coronary heart disease, some cancers and intake of fatty food, less fiber also has a certain relationship.
3, carbohydrate
Carbohydrate food is mainly starch and sugar, daily total caloric 50-70% by sugar supply. The lack of sugar is not good, sugar is bad.
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