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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-16 19:00



热心网友 时间:2023-01-29 11:29

您好:My View On Generation Gap
Nowadays, generation gap is a very popular saying. It refers to the communicative barrier between different generations, especially between parents and their children. With the development of the society, this problem becomes much more obvious.
There are a variety of reasons that lead to generation gap. The key one is the fast-growing society. Different generations play different roles in the society. The different experience ends in their different views. The old generation is conservative, while the young is liberal. Hence the conflict exists.
To narrow the generation gap, we are required to pay much more attention to communication. We should open our hearts and try to understand others. In addition, we should follow the rhythm of the times to enjoy the new ideas, new conception, and new things! Then we will find that generation gap is not a terrible thing. In fact, we can benefit from it.


解决与父母的代沟英语作文篇1 Nowadays,the problems of generation gap become more and more serious.The poor relationship between parents and their children is very common.Are these problems caused by the busy parents?Or,do the harsh family rules affect the relationship of parents and ...


您好:My View On Generation Gap Nowadays, generation gap is a very popular saying. It refers to the communicative barrier between different generations, especially between parents and their children. With the development of the society, this problem becomes much more obvious.There are a...


父母与孩子代沟英语作文篇1 Generation gap refers to the misunderstanding between the old and young. The term came into fashion after the 1980s. However, in recent years, the phenomenon is getting more and more fierce.代沟指的是老人和年轻人之间的误解。这个词在20世纪80年代就开始流行。


Nowadays,there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children.Children always complain that their parents are out of date,while parents can’t approve of what their children say and do.Thus,a big generation gap is formed.The gap remains wide for many reasons.Children ...




There should not be generation gap between parent and child as both generations never spanned across a different of sixty years. If you said there is generation gap between a father and a son, then it should be communication problem between them. Parent nowaday always work too long...


回答:越来越多的父母和他们的孩子正抱怨所谓的“代沟”,代沟使他们之间的距离变得很大甚至更大,写出你对代沟的观点。 就是这样的意思。。。一定要加分。。。


they should get more heart mind about children and read their heartily carefully. More communication will help them to reduce the gap. Certainly, as children, they should learn the parents thought, do to demand any hard expectation. So that , it may be a good result for everyone...

如何处理与父母之间的代沟 写一篇英语作文

young children wish to be understood by their parents, but most parents don’t quite understand their children. They regard it as their responsibility to teach their offspring traditional beliefs. They want them to be obedient and do well in school. Therefore, misunderstanding often ari...

如果是孩子怎样处理与父母之间的关系?用英文讲 要一篇英语作文


父母和孩子的代沟英语作文 如何解决代沟问题英语作文 关于家庭代沟的英语作文 关于代沟的英语小作文 以代沟为主题的英语作文 英语作文两代人的代沟 有关代沟的英语作文 有关代沟的英语作文150字 有关代沟的英语作文带翻译
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