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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 23:48



热心网友 时间:2023-06-21 01:01

灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴The first thing when you are learning to make mplings is preparing the mpling wrappers and the vegetable and meat stuffing. Those can be bought from the supermarket. 2 pounds of mpling wrappers and 15 pounds of stuffing are good. And then, you need to chop the vegetable and the meat into mince and stir them together. The materials of the stuffing can be chosen according to your personal flavor and taste. After mixing the stuffing, you should prepare a bowl of water and a spoon. Next, put the stuffing to the center of the mpling wrapper carefully, not to much but also not too little. And then dip some water with your finger and smear the edge of the wrapper with water so that make the edge sticky.And the last step of making mplings: sealing up the wrapper by folding the warpper in half and enveloping the stuff in whole. Once you seal the wrapper, do not open it again for fear of spoiling the wrapper and letting the stuffing out. When you are boiling the mplings, don't spoon all the mplings out until the water are boiled for at least 3 times. You need to add some more cold water when it boil at the first time and the second time. Finally, a bowl of hot and fresh mplings are ready to eat. Enjoy them~~
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