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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 23:27



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 19:08

America is called the melting pot because there are people from everywhere around the world, they have different cultures, different customs, but when they come to America, they are one, one nation.

Contrary to common belief, America is actually not a 'melting pot'. America is a 'salad bowl'. A melting pot implies that people who come into the society assimilate and adopt the standard of their new adopted society, contributing something along the way. A salad bowl implies that you hold onto your culture even after you arrive, and don't take on the characteristics of the new society, so that you have a mixture of a lot of different things, but you can still tell them apart like in a salad. Cheese fone is made up of lots of different ingredients but you can't point and say "there's the white wine" the way you can say "there's the tomatoes and there's the celery" in a salad.
Another way of looking at America as a 'salad bowl' is because there are 'China Towns', 'Korea Towns', 'Little Ethiopia' to name a few. If you walk into 'China Town' (especially in San Francisco) it's like you almost really are in China itself.
If you're looking for an example of a true 'melting pot', then London would be the answer. In London everything and everybody are mixed together, no segregation what so ever. You won't find any 'China Towns' in London.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 19:08

“mosaic"----a picture made up of many tiny pieces of different colors.If one looks closely at the nation,the indivials of different colors and ethnic groups are still distinct and recoganizable,but together they create a picture that is uniquely American.
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