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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 23:41



热心网友 时间:2022-06-01 22:52

The moment a lighted cigarette, you lit the fuse of the death.
Smoking is hazardous to health as everyone knows is the fact that. Around the world every year 2500000 people die from smoking, tobacco is the first killer of human. Consciously don't smoking habits of personal hygiene, not only beneficial to health, but also a manifestation of high public health ethics. In the smoking room, especially the doors and windows closed in winter environment, not only full of human body indoor exhaled carbon dioxide, and exhaled carbon monoxide smokers, will make people feel headache, fatigue, decreased work efficiency, more serious is cold smoke spit it out in smokers, hot smoke cigarette tar and nicotine content than smokers inhale more 1 times, 2 times more than BAP, 4 times more carbon monoxide, 50 times more ammonia.
Data show that, long-term smokers than non-smokers lung cancer incidence rate of 10-20 times, the incidence of laryngeal cancer high 6-10 times, 2-3 times higher incidence of coronary heart disease. A high incidence of the circulatory system 3 times, a high incidence of bronchitis 2-8 times. It was investigated the 1000 family, the family found that smoking 16 years old of the following children with respiratory diseases than non-smokers for more than family. Children under 5 years of age, don't smoke in the family, 33.5% had respiratory symptoms, and smoking family while 44.5% have respiratory symptoms.
Smoking is dangerous for women special, smoking women who are using oral contraceptives, can increase heart disease attack and venous thrombosis opportunities; smoking pregnant women prone to premature and underweight, babies immune function is reced, easy to fall ill; according to statistics, passive smoking pregnant baby teratogenic rate increased.
Smoking harm others harm, should consciously develop good health habits do not smoke.
In the Ministry of Health published in 2006 China "smoking and health" report, we see such data: in 2002 the population aged over 15 years in China's smoking rate was 35.8%, among them male and female smoking rate were 66% and 3.1%. Thus estimated that smokers is about 350000000, accounting for the world's 1/3 smokers. In addition, our country's smoking population has the young tendency, compared with 80 in twentieth Century, the average age of starting smoking by the age of 22.4 is reced to 19.7 years old. Is China's largest procer of tobacco, tobacco consumption is. The sum of tobacco proction in China is equivalent to the other 7 largest tobacco procing countries. Sales in China every year, cigarette reaches as high as 1.6 trillion sticks, Chinese consumption of cigarettes accounted for about 1/3 of the world. If the smoking related diseases causing death are included in the statistics, at present, each year about 1000000 people died.






热心网友 时间:2022-06-02 00:10

Many people like to smoke, but most of them know that smoking is harmful, there are many harmful effects of smoking, for example: First, smoking can cause many diseases, some even life threatening. Second, smoking is not only harmful to themselves, but also affect non-smokers health. Third, the good news is that more and more people realize the dangers of smoking, quit smoking. Fourth, young people should develop the habit of smoking, if you have this habit, quit as soon as possible
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