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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-01 10:16



热心网友 时间:2024-03-14 19:05

as usual trying to be clear in tired
as usual deeply missing you
so scary about a heartbeat in a dream
are not subservient to a halt

listening to breath like a wave of swing with
more beautiful,and much perturbed
so what else can i cherish?
if my own pulse refused my control……

if i quitted out of this life to become memories
leave you stunned scy
i can't give you a cold body hug
leave you my love in a lonely sea travel
so heartless caused myself-hating
if i were not so lucky to be merories
no chance with hair white
leading you to see sunset fall for holding stumble
long time after your whole hurt being healed
if anyone could let him acompany you, no blame frome me

happy time will end in anytime
which was the last moment
want you hugged deeply
see you're my life the most reluctant to lose

if i quitted out of this life to become memories
leave you stunned scy
i can't give you a cold body hug
leave you my love in a lonely sea travel
so heartless caused myself-hating
if i were not so lucky to be merories
no chance with hair white
leading you to see sunset fall for holding stumble
long time after your whole hurt being healed
if anyone could let him acompany you, no blame frome me

if i become memories to fear being disappointing
lay stubborn in your air occupied every inch of your mind
still it is you to bear the painful lose
no fair,so it is.
please ,try hard, to forget me……



热心网友 时间:2024-03-14 19:06

tired awake efforts according to the Convention
and you want to practice
to fear a concerned about slept
irregularityin in the dream disobedient stopped

listen to the respiratory flapping around like waves
Let me sell more attractive
What can i still treasure
If i don't even own pulse are difficult to master

If i become memories that you have quit the game of life
leaveyour startled cry
my cold body hug you
to think that i love you my Hummer lonely travel
i hate myself so i can depend on

If i become memories lacerate so lucky
no chance of white hair toddler hold you look at the the sunset falls
a long time someday you'll distressed to dispense with
If anyone can ask him to accompany you i don't blame you
tired awake efforts according to the Convention
listen to the respiratory flapping around like waves

When does a happy ending?
moment is the last minute
you want to hold
knowability you are in my life the most reluctant to

If i become memories that you have quit the game of life
leave your startled cry
my cold body hug you
to think that i love you my Hummer lonely travel
i hate myself so i can depend on

If i become memories lacerate so lucky
no chance of white hair toddler hold you look at the the sunset falls
a long time someday you'll distressed to dispense with
If anyone can ask him to accompany you

If i recall you become too poorly
stubborn jezurat in the air and proceeded to occupy your heart every inch gap
It has been you still love my pain became unbearable, he lost
such unfair would you please try to forget about me
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