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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-29 13:20



热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 13:28

1 The lady whom you'll see is our manager

2 I'm reading a book about Edison who invented the Incandescent light
3 This is the very best concet that I have ever heard
4 You have to be responsible for what you will do
5 Do you know the girl whose name is XX
6 Is there anything what I can do for you (这个如果不是你要求 一般人不会用定语从句说)
7 XX is one of the students who won the first prize
8 The building which has a green roof is our new gym
9 Is this the one whom you gave the application to
10 They are the girls who go to school together with me
11 The way that he talks is diffcult to deel with

好久不写英语了 你自己检查下拼写吧 注意标点追问谢谢

追答唉 好吧

Do you still remember the day that we first meet
That is the school which I have been there
The day which we had arrived was snowing
The reason that he is absen is his mother is ill
Is this the supermarket which had you work at in your summer vacation
The excuse that she hasn’t finished her job in time is unreliable
The place which we spent our vacation last year has a balls field
Last year, the house which he bought was burnt down
I don‘t like the restrant which we ate in last week

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 13:28

1 The lady (who) you are going to meet is our manager. 2 The book (which) I am reading is about the inventor of bulbs, Edison. 3This is the best concert (which) I've ever heard. 4 You must take charge of what you've done. 这里是宾从 不是定从 5 Do you know the girl (who is) named ... 6 What can I do for you? 这里也不是定从 7 ...is one of the students who gets the first prize. 8 The building (which is) painted green on the roof is our new gym. 9 Is this the person who sent your application to him? 10 They are the girls who go to school with us. 11 His way of talking makes people feel sick.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 13:29

1. The lady who you are going to meet is the manager of my company.
2.The book which I am reading is about Edison who is the inventor of bulb.
3.This is the most wonderful concert to which I've ever gone .
4.You have to be responsible for the things that you've done.
5.Do you know the girl whose name is xx.
6.Is there something that I can do for you?
7.xx is one of the students who won the first prize.
8.The building whose roof is green is our new gym,
9.Is he the man to whom you gave the application.
10.They are the girls with whom I go to school everyday.
11.The way in which he speak makes people uncomfortable.追问大神留步。
2 那就是我曾经上过学的那所学校
3 我们到的那天正在下雪
4 他请假的原因是他母亲病了


追答1.Do you remember the day that we first met each other ?
2.That is the school where I have studied
3.The day that we arrived is snowing.
4.The reason why he ask for leave is that his mom is sick.
5.Is this the supermarket that you've worked ring your summer vacation?
6.The reason why she didnt finish her work is not believeable.
7.There is a court on the place where we go on a holiday .
8.The house that he bought last year was ruined by fire,
9.I dont like the reataurant that we had meal last week.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 13:29

1.The lady you are going to meet is our company's manager.
2.I am reading a book about Thomas Edison who invented the light bulb.
3.This is the best concert that i have ever heard.
4.You have to take responbility to what you have done to me.
5.Do you know the girl whose name is XX?
6.Is there anything that i can do for you?
7.XX is one of the students who achieved the first prize.
8.The building with green roof is our gym.
9.Is this the person who you handed in the application form to?
10.They are the girls who go to school with me together.
11.The way he speaks makes me feel uncomfrotable.
12.Do you still remember the day when we first met?
13.That is the school we used to go to.
14.The day on which we arrived was snowing.
15.The reason that he asked for a day off was that his mother was sick.
16.Is this the supermarket which you worked for ring summer holiday?
17.The excuse she had for not finishing her work on time is not reliable.
18.There is a playgound at where we had holiday last year.
19.The house he bought last year was burned.
20.I don't like the restaurant where we went last week.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 13:30

1. The lady who/whom you will see is a manager of our company.
2. I am reading a book that the electric bulb inventor is Thomas Edison .
3. It is the best concert that I have ever heard .
4. You must be responsible for all that you have did.
5. Do you know the girl who called XX?
6. can I do something that is for you? (what can I do for you? )
7. XX is one of the students who won the first prize .
8. The construction which has green roof is our new gymnasium .
9. This is the man who/whom you gave the application form to .
10. They are girls who go to school with me.
11.The way that he speaks is uncomfortable
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