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英语议论文:should we buy a car

发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-29 08:29



热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 01:59

People think should buy a car for the following reasons:
1 convinent to work and travel
2 some people just want to show off(炫耀)
On the other hand, some holds that we should not buy a car:
1 to protect our invironment/car consume oil and polute air
2 it's hard to afford the cost of car oil, the oil price is high.

All in all.最后再次表明你的观点


追答我认为不买车好。主要是买不起。嘿嘿。坐公交车挺好的,节约型社会嘛。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 01:59

With the development of the ecmonomy and scientific techonology, a car is not a luxury. We can say that cars had went into milllions of households.
Cars not only bring us convenions, but also many problems.
I do not agree to buy a car.
To many cars cause traffic jam. I live in Hangzhou and I can just say the traffic is very terrible. I'd rather take a bus. What frustrated us is the increasing pirce of the oil which have making our live cost more.
However, I believe that the reason why there are too many cars is that most people consume without ration. They buy a car just because others do it. The most frustrating thing is that the did not buy native brands or some good brand like TOYOTA and PUBLIC. They just bought frustrating brands like HYUNDAI. I really cannot understand it.
Actually, if you want to buy a car, just buy a better one, or give it up and take a bus or taxi. Buy a bad car is worthless(This sentence is not good, I do not know how to express it by a excellent sentence, please help me).
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