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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-30 22:03



热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 12:27



  Today is on September 8, tomorrow is the annual chung yeung festival. Proceed with the teacher, in the afternoon sun teacher took us to elderly activity center to interview. I saw many old people in sports, some old people in tai chi, some dancing on the other, and in practice. So, I interviewed a grandpa in tai chi. I walked to the old man's side, ask: "Sir, what's good about tai chi?" "Tai chi can strengthen physical health," grandpa said. I asked: "grandpa you tomorrow how the double ninth festival?" Grandpa casually replied: "still the same as today." I had just finished an interview with an old man, sun teacher, teacher will take us away.

  It's a pleasant today an interview!




  Recall that since the childhood, we are big up one hundred times in my parents' love. A writing, but also made me recall my father to my little drops...

  When I was a child, always for a small toy make her father to sell, the father said: "children, or study hard, toy will buy later!" I've always oath not to give up, must under the father to sell. Father always can't refuse my coquetry, again and again to I sell toys, when receiving a new toy always make me happy for several days! My father also so feel to sell very value; At that time, really very naive is very simple.

  When I was young, learning is not good. Every night to accompany me always review the father; It was my father to accompany me to solve problems; Accompany me to sleep, is also a father to tell me a fairy tale... I love my father, and now has been slowly into the junior high school life. Never forget the father give my ecation and care; But when I'm sad, life has been frustrated. Is always the first thought was, father

  He's not just born I have my father, or my bosom friends. Accommodation in school in those days, always make me so sad, to sleep. I again and again to call father, declare all at school. Father works even if very busy very busy, also can to a phone call to the school to see me, give me how much how much encouragement, support and always support me behind my back...

  He was so great that is so kind!







  My father grew up in the countryside. At that time, the home is very poor, father get up early in the morning, drink a bowl of porridge, after go to work. He went to the field to plow, the live is not easy, with the strength of not a few, father always too tired to full head big sweat, quaking, but can only hold on to the end.

  Finish work, his father will have to go to school. School is far away from home, to climb over a mountain to get to. Father no shoes, barefoot, on a small stone is very painful. But, my father is very strong, foot stepping out of the blisters, don't shout pain.

  At that time the school, also is just a jumble of house. Father learned the content of the teacher, just borrow classmates some books. At noon, his father came back home, again go to water the vegetable garden, cut the grass for the sheep. He is busy, and took the book to the room, and then go to school. From school in the afternoon, the father often even forgot to eat dinner, just doing homework. It's getting dark, my father was in kerosene lamp to study, often sleep late. But, no matter how late he sleep, as long as the cock crow, the next day my father always get up on time.

  The father often said to me: "every stage in life, every moment have to struggle, as long as you struggle, we will be able to win!" Yes, my father is not the struggle? He is now in the hospital surgery expert, very respectable, but still in constant struggle with. The father said, "my achievements not to honor, but in order to do more contributions to society, so I choose when the doctor, I want to seriously treat every life, responsible for every life"!

  I think, maybe the meaning of life lies in the struggle, is responsible for!






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