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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-28 16:46



热心网友 时间:2023-01-28 14:04



  It is necessary to keep a balanced diet if you want to keep healthy.You'd better eat enough vegatables which contain rich vitamin, proper meat is needed,too. Avoid fried or toasted food.It is important to do regular exercises, such as running or playing badminton. Keeping high mood is good for mentally health. We should renew our spirits and release our stress, so that we can have a good attitude towards life. To enjoy our beautiful life, we must be bound to keep healthy.


  How to keep healthy? This is a concern for everyone of us. To have a good health, we need to pay attention to the following. Firstly, no matter what has happened, we need to keep calm and happy. We should remember it is harmful to the health if a person often gets irritated or in dismay. If we have got any unpleasant news, we should not keep it in our minds, but say it out to our friends. So that we may get relieved from the unhappy event. Secondly, we need to pay attention to eating healthy food, e.g. various kinds of grain, fruits or vegetables. One shouldn’t eat too much fat every day. Fats contain much cholesterol which is liable to be stuck on the inner walls of the blood vessels. If our blood vessels have been hurt, this will lead to cardiac trouble. In that case, we need to take some deep sea fish-oil with omega three to get rid of the rubbish in our blood and get our blood vessels cleaned. Healthy blood vessels can promote a long life. Thirdly we need to do some appropriate physical exercises. For youngsters they like to do something energetic like running, jumping or weight lifting, etc. For the aged, they may do some mild movements like walking, jogging, playing Chinese Taiji or having yoga practice. As long as we have physical exercises every day, we can keep healthy. However in case one is seriously ill, one needs to go to see the doctors immediately.


  Good habits are good for the health.Every morning we'd better get up early and do morning exercises before having breakfast.Taking a walk after supper is also important.It is not good to watch TV too long and go to bed too late.So try to have more sports in our spare time instead of staying at home.Eating too much at meal is bad for our health,too.We shouldn't eat junk food.We should eat enough fruit and vegetalbes.It's very important to keep healthy.I think we should have healthy diet every day and eat proper food.We shouldn't eat junk food because it is bad for our health.Drink water and milk as often as possible.Milk is a great drink that can give us more calcium that make our bones much stronger.Don't eat too much because it will make you uncomfortable and fat.Don't spend too much time watching TV,DVDs and Videos or using computers.It's good to take more exercise such as basketball,bike riding ,swimming and so on.Follow these and you can be healthy.




如何保持健康的英语作文如下:篇一:Maintaining good health is essential for a happy life. Here are a few tips to stay healthy. Firstly, exercise regularly, like going for a jog or doing yoga, to keep the body active. Secondly, eat a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegeta...


第二,你必须放弃损害健康的习惯,比如吸烟和酗酒。最后,一定要定期进行身体检查。 至于我,我一直在注意保持适当的睡眠和放松。业余时间我喜欢跑步、游泳和打乒乓球。所以,我可以保持健康,过上美好的生活。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 推荐律师服务: 若未解决您的问题,请您详细描述您的问题...


we can significantly enhance our health and well-being.怎样保持健康英语作文 篇4 My father, a medical professional, actively participated in the fight against SARS in 2003. He imparted valuable insights on health to me. He emphasized that we need not fear diseases if we maintain goo...


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How to Keep Healthy How to keep healthy? This is a concern for everyone of us. To have a good health, we need to pay attention to the following. Firstly, no matter what has happened, we need to keep calm and happy. We should remember it is harmful to the health if a ...


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