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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-29 20:34



热心网友 时间:2023-04-24 18:22



  亲近大自然Get Close to the Nature

  When I was in middle school, I moved to the city to live with my parents, I miss my hometown all the time, I can’t forget about the beautiful mountain and the clear water. So in this summer vacation, I went back to my hometown, when I saw the familiar country road, I was so happy, I knew I was close to the nature. I took in the fresh air, I smelt the straw’s flavor, I took a look at the mountains and the clear water again. All of these made me relaxed, the nature was right in front of me. I hope the scenery won’t change all the time, once I have time, I will come back to enjoy it.



  崇拜明星 Worshipping Stars

  Today, many young people are crazy about their idols. Many years ago, in order to see the idol, a girl made her father threaten the star, finally, the father dropped down the river and ended his life. It is such a horrible incident, the public criticizes the girl for her blindness in worshipping star. Many students even skip their class, just to see their idols in the airport. What’s more, they spend a lot of money to buy the procts about their idols. The students don’t have money, they ask their parents to give the money, it is not right to do it. The young people should treat the stars in the right way, they need to figure what is right and wrong. If they follow their stars in the wrong way, they will ruin themselves. So people need to support their stars in the wise way.



  我的英语学习方法 My English Learning Method

  I like English. I think I can share my English learning method with you. First of all, develop interest on English. My way to make it is to watch movies from abroad. At first, I will watch the movie with subtitle. Then I will remove the subtitle, only English left. Graally, show great interest in English. Secondly, recite vocabularies. Vocabulary is the necessary foundation to start learn English. This time you have to force yourself to remember words. Thirdly, understand basic grammar thoroughly. It is hard for me to understand the meaning of a sentence if I don’t know the basic grammar. Last but not least is to speak more. The basic purpose to learn a language is to communicate. So talk in English as much as you can. And don’t worry about losing face, because everyone makes mistakes. Those are my methods.



译文:我喜欢参观一个小镇,因为我喜欢安静简单的地方。我住在一个城市,所以我想选择一个噪音很小的地方。6、I prefer to travel with a group of friends as joy is meant to be shared.When I need help in a foreign country,I have my friends to help so I do not have to be afraid...


六年级的英语作文(一) 亲近大自然Get Close to the Nature When I was in middle school, I moved to the city to live with my parents, I miss my hometown all the time, I can’t forget about the beautiful mountain and the clear water. So in this summer vacation, I we...


六年级简单的英语作文带翻译1 As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends. This is the rea...


1. Spring Festival The Spring Festival is the most significant celebration in China. On the eve of the festival, families gather for a grand feast. In various regions, setting off fireworks is a beloved tradition. Dumplings hold a special place as the quintessential dish of the ...


如下:My dream is to be a painter when I grow up. The reason why I want to be a painter is because I especially like painting.我的梦想长大是当一名画家,我之所以想当一名画家,是因为我特别喜欢画画。Whenever I see beautiful natural scenery and moving scenes outside, my mood is ...


译文: 以书为伴(节选) 通常看一个读些什么书就可知道他的为人,就像看他同什么人交往就可知道他的为人一样,因为有人以人为伴,也有人以书为伴。无论是书友还是朋友,我们都应该以最好的为伴。 好书就像是你最好的朋友。它始终不渝,过去如此,现在如此,将来也永远不变。它是最有耐心,最令人愉悦的伴侣。在...

英语作文六年级加翻译(daily life)

I like sports, in order to have a healthy body, every day I get up early to exercise, I am now is healthy and vibrant 我的日常生活 我叫李华,我是一个学生,现在读小学六年级 我每天的生活丰富多彩,我在学校是个好学生,努力学习,经常帮助同学,在家我是一个好孩子,我在家会帮帮...

小学六年级以my summer holiday为题的英语作文不少于50词数,带翻译

I will do a volunteer job near my home to take care of homeless animals. This holiday will be a good time for me to grow up. I can't wait.咱们阿卡索的学员出了很多优秀范文,这里分享给大家参考一下。翻译如下:暑假即将来临,我已经有一个很好的计划了。因为我有两个月的假期,所以...

英语作文《my city life 》带翻译,小学六年级的。


作文六年级my hobbies不少于5句话翻译

唱歌和画画是技能,它们可以帮助我提高自己。myday英语作文带翻译不少于7句话六年级 i have a busy day yesterday. i got up at 6 in the morning. after i had breakfast, i went to school in a hurry. in the morning, i had English, maths, chinese and music. i was very tired. ...

寒假计划的英语作文带翻译六年级 六年级下册英语作文带翻译 六年级英语作文大全50带翻译 六年级趣味英语作文带翻译 六年级必考英语作文带翻译 六年级英语作文带翻译20篇 六年级英语作文40词带翻译 六年级英语作文50字带翻译 寒假英语小作文带翻译六年级
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