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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-01 04:20



热心网友 时间:2023-01-23 06:18



  Isn't it amazing how one person sharing one idea at the right time and place can change the course of your life's history? This is certainly what happened in my life. When I was 14 I was hitchhiking from Houston Texas through El Paso on my way to California. I was following my dream journeying with the sun. I was a high school dropout with learning disabilities and was set on surfing the biggest waves in the world first in California and then in Hawaii where I would later live.

  Upon reaching downtown El Paso I met an old man a bum on the street corner. He saw me walking stopped me and questioned me as I passed by. He asked me if I was running away from home I suppose because I looked so young. I told him "Not exactly sir" since my father had given me a ride to the freeway in Houston and given me his blessings while saying "It is important to follow your dream and what is in your heart. Son. "The bum then asked me if he could buy me a cup of coffee. I told him "No sir but a soda would be great." We walked to a corner malt shop and sat down on a couple of swiveling stools while we enjoyed our drinks.After conversing for a few minutes the friendly bum told me to follow him. He told me that he had something grand to show me and share with me. We walked a couple of blocks until we came upon the downtown El Paso Public Library.

  We walked up its front steps and stopped at a small information stand. Here the bum spoke to a smiling old lady and asked her if she would be kind enough to watch my things for a moment while he and I entered the library. I left my belongings with this grandmotherly figure and entered into this magnificent hall of learning.The bum first led me to a table and asked me to sit down and wait for a moment while he looked for something special amongst the shelves. A few moments later he returned with a couple of old books under his arms and set them on the table. He then sat down beside me and spoke. He started with a few statements that were very special and that changed my life. He said "There are two things that I want to teach you young man and they are these:

  "Number one is to never judge a book by its cover for a cover can fool you. "He followed with "I bet you think I'm a bum don't you young man?"I said "Well uh yes I guess so sir. ""Well young man I've got a little surprise for you. I am one of the wealthiest men in the world. I have probably everything any man could ever want. I originally come from the Northeast and have all the things that money can buy. But a year ago my wife passed away bless her soul and since then I have been deeply reflecting upon life. I realized there were certain things I had not yet experienced in lifeone of which was what it would be like to live like a bum on the streets. I made a commitment to myself to do exactly that for one year. For the past year I have been going from city to city doing just that. So you see don't ever judge a book by its cover for a cover can fool you.

  "Number two is to learn how to read my boy. For there is only one thing that people can t take away from you and that is your wisdom. " At that moment he reached forward grabbed my right hand in his and put them upon the books he'd pulled from the shelves. They were the writings of Plato and Aristotle-immortal classics from ancient times.

  The bum then led me back past the smiling old woman near the entrance down the steps and back on the streets near where we first met. His parting request was for me to never forget what he taught me.








  With the development of science and technology people depend more and more heavily on the computer. Then how does the computer affect our life?

  On the one hand it can be very helpful to people who need it and treat it corTectly. The computer can broaden our knowledge about the world. It can also help us learn more about many fields of studies quickly: science medicine arts and so on. It is very convenient to people who are busy with their jobs and has brought about many positive changes in our lives.

  On the other hand the computer may bring about some negative changes. For example many children become so addicted to computer games that they stay up late frequently and even neglect their studles. Another disadvantage is that computer's radiation is harmful to people's eyes especially to children's.

  Just as every coin has two sides the computer has advantages and disadvantages. I think that if we can overcome its negative effects we can bring it into full play.






  The earth scale change of climate has brought a new kind of natural disaster and the developed and complicated city system is holding a latent risk of expanding the damage artificially.Also people has been spoiling the health since the immense quantity of chemicals have been proced and already used in pursuit of convenience and various toxic substances have been proced unintentionally and accumulated in environment.ThereforeWe need some countermeasures from the viewpoint to prevent the city environment form disaster and to manage environmental risks.So we will develop and improve a new risk management system and a disaster prevention system to preserve and create the city environment where people feel easy and sound in their life.

  Many people are active in fighting against unfair treatment to colored peoplewomen animals and so on.Right now I am talking about fighting for respect to our environment.

  Though the environment doesn’t have a mouth to deprecate what humans have done to hershe retaliates through action.In the early years the Chinese cut down large quantities of trees

  at the source of the yellow riverwhich led to the disappearance of big forests and terrible floods.As a resultthe Huangtu plateau which was once covered with grass and forests was turned into barrens that supported fewer plants.Another example was in several developed countries.

  Because many chemical factories discharged poisonous gas without filtering itcities were covered with so much poisonous.地球气候变化的规模带来了一种新的自然灾害和复杂的开发和城市系统是扩大损坏的潜在风险。也有人已经被破坏的健康,因为巨大数量的化学品已被生产和使用的方便性和各种有毒物质的追求已经无意和生产积累的环境。因此,我们需要从观点,防止城市环境灾害和环境风险管理的若干对策。所以我们将制定和完善新的风险管理系统和灾害预防系统,以维护和创造城市环境,让大家觉得很简单的声音在他们的生活。




在液压原理图中各种符号的表示意义是什么? 脚臭怎么办,一脱鞋,那味道我自己都受不了? ...经电加热后表面会形成一层黑色物质,请问是什么东西?用什么化学... 宿舍老是经常出现蚂蚁,放久的书本打开全是蚂蚁,或是布柜里放久的衣服... 为什么寝室地板上会有蚂蚁? 怎么计算产值excel 青春不再伤感经典句子(《青春伤感经典短句子》) 致我们失去的青春简短说说(怀念过去的经典句子) 分享回忆过去致青春的语录集锦(回忆的句子时光感言简短) 女生为什么总想摸我的脸 相遇初中作文700字 海a是哪里的牌照 水粉绘画技巧 28种果酱的做法 陕西省高陵县为啥要叫高陵,是谁埋在那? 二战德国军人入伍条件!比如身高要求是多高!只说二战前期的德国!_百度... 脾胃不好的孩子早上吃什么 大食堂蒸面的比例 观孔祥熙的家作文最少600字,急需 孔祥熙是否葬在孔林 孔祥熙是孔子后代吗? OPS如何为企业创造价值? 南宋赵士程是宋朝亲王吗?介绍一下他和他那著名妻子的故事? 虾皮豆腐的做法,虾皮豆腐怎么做好吃,虾皮豆腐的家常 虾皮豆腐怎么做好吃,虾皮豆腐的家常做法 vivoxplay5a手机插入一张移动卡和一张电信卡,电信卡怎么不显示 大名思霖户外冲浪板的胶味有毒吗长期闻 桂林有哪些客栈或青旅值得推荐 塔山乡的介绍 蒜苔炒鱿鱼怎样做,特鲜美,超级下饭爽口呢? 海A的车牌是哪个省哪个市的 华凌变频空调l.5匹不省电是什么原因 华凌3匹耗电 梦见被黄狗咬屁股不疼,然后打跑了 周公解梦梦见两条大黄狗卧着,经过时其中一只又把屁股咬了个洞. 怎样养巴西亚 金铲铲武器库什么时候出 维金斯和唐斯联手大帽英格拉姆,后起跳的维金斯天赋是真的太好了_百度... 认真打球的维金斯是什么水准的球员? 关于安德鲁·维金斯 您可能不知道的十件轶事 维金斯身为状元秀,打了7个赛季毫无荣誉,为何没人说他是水货? 人类18分精华,枸杞哥真的是一直在养生吗 同样是26岁,维金斯、约基奇、字母哥差距为何这么大? 有超巨天赋却没打出来的5大球星,JR集锦乔丹,他22岁泡枸杞 癫痫病人都有什么饮食禁忌 癫痫患者要忌口的食物有哪些 癫痫不能食用什么? ...头发越来越稀了,油性发质天天洗头,头发很软不牢固,怎么回事啊_百度... 常见的凉茶有哪些 千层豆腐的做法,鱼香千层豆腐怎么做好吃