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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-01 01:41



热心网友 时间:2024-07-29 00:27

   英语 作文 是对学生综合能力考核最彻底的一类题型,对单词的掌握、对语法的熟悉程度、谴词 造句 的能力都会在写作文的水平中体现的一览无余,对我们来说 保持健康 是非常重要的。但是你知道如何 保持健康 吗?下面是我为你精心整理的保持健康英语作文,希望对你有帮助!
  Life is a mirror. If we smile to her, she would also return the happiness to us. But if we cry, she would be disappointed. Therefore, we should be positive toward life, so as to get happiness.


  Actually, happiness is everywhere if we keep a good attitude. As we keep a good mood, our world will be a sunny land, which is resounded with soft music. However, if we are pessimists, we'll find our world is full of darkness.


  While on the other side, happiness is not a destination but a journey. Because there's no paradise at all, but we can make a paradise if we're hard-working and intelligent. So we should work like we don't need money, smile like we've never been hurt, and perform ourselves like no one can see us.

  ecently, I have seen an impressive film –Precious, which tells the growing experiences about a pretty fat black girl, Precious Jones, a girl living in the Harlem. The film reveals the poor and miserable life in the Harlem, but at the same time, it encourages people to take a positive and optimistic attitude to face it, no matter how difficult it is.


  Precious is so underecated that she can not read and write formally. What’s worse, she is usually knocked around by her irascible mother. Worst of all, she is sexually assaulted by her stepfather and has two children before the age of seventeen. Owing to the situation she gets involved, she has to leave school and is introced to alternative school. After waging many struggles and overcoming many difficulties, she finds the goals of life again with the help of her teacher and classmates.

  珍爱受到很少的 教育 ,所以她不能正常地读书写字。更糟的是,她经常被她母亲暴躁的脾气*得四处流浪。最糟的是,她被继父*,未满17岁就有了两个小孩。鉴于她所遭遇的情况,她不得不辍学到替代学校学习。在经历了一些挣扎,克服许多困难后,在老师和同学的帮助下她重新找到了生活的目标。

  In the film, Precious insists on keeping her children all the time though she gets involved in trouble. She has a firm belief that she can get rid of the past life and start the new one and she really makes it finally. Her insistence tells me that keeping positive and optimistic would make a great contribution to achieve dream.


  In life, many people are easy to feel frustrated by meeting a bit of setback. As far as I am concerned, we need to learn to keep positive and optimistic when facing difficulties so that we have more power to keep and pursue our dreams.

  Do you see the glass as half-full rather than all empty? The two different answers to this question represent two different attitudes towards life -- optimistic attitude and pessimistic attitude.


  Optimism always leads to happiness, health and success while pessimism, by contrast, results in hopelessness, sickness and failure. That's because optimists and pessimists deal with the same challenges and disappointments in very different ways. When things go wrong,the pessimist tends to blame himself, while the optimist looks for loop holes. The optimist feels in control of his overall life. If things are going badly, he acts quickly, looking for solutions, forming a new plan of action, and seeking for advice. On the contrary, the pessimist yields to the arrangement of fate and moves slowly. He doesn't seek advice, since he assumes nothing can be done.


  Most people are a mix of optimism and pessimism. Optimism is important in all aspects of our lives. If you can change your mind from pessimism to optimism, you can change your life.


保持健康英语作文篇1 Life is a mirror. If we smile to her, she would also return the happiness to us. But if we cry, she would be disappointed. Therefore, we should be positive toward life, so as to get happiness.生活就是一面镜子。如果我们对她微笑,她也会回报我们幸福。但...


【篇二】保持身心健康的英语作文 Good habits are good for the health.Every morning we'd better get up early and do morning exercises before having breakfast.Taking a walk after supper is also important.It is not good to watch TV too long and go to bed too late.So try to have...


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保持健康英语作文篇1 1.饮食:You should eat three healthy meals every day.You shouldn't eat food with lots of sugar,oil and fat because they are not good for your health.Don't eat too much junk food.You should eat enough vegetables and fruit because they are rice in vitami...


How to Keep Healthy 文1:As we know, keeping healthy is important to us. But what should we do to keep healthy First, we should eat healthy food, drink a lot of water and do more exercise . Food can give us energy. Doing exercise can make us strong.Second, we should ...


You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken away, we would surely die. That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high...


保持健康的英语作文篇一 That are words of wisdom. If you want to keep healthy, what you eat is quite important.Drink plain milk every day or drink some mixture of water and honey every morning.Eat less rubbish food like chips, barbecues and various kind of snacks which make you...


如何保持健康的英语作文如下:篇一:Maintaining good health is essential for a happy life. Here are a few tips to stay healthy. Firstly, exercise regularly, like going for a jog or doing yoga, to keep the body active. Secondly, eat a balanced diet with lots of fruits and ...


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