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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-20 14:38



热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 08:33

Two digital tube display design is based on the AT89S52 MCU two digital tube display system, through the AT89S52 control, using C language to write two digital tube cycle scan dynamic display of the program. Digital tube through the MCU I\O port control. The parallel connection between the reset capacitor and the switch is realized. Clock with 12M crystal and two ceramic capacitors to control. Through the MCU chip select signal control digital tube lamp, the turn light, because the human eye has the characteristics and the persistence of Vision digital tube of the afterglow effect and scanning frequency is high enough, hence the human eye is not feel the change of digital tube.追问这是不是你自己翻译的?因为用软件翻译老师一眼就能看出来,这样的话我的论文就不过关,会被老师批的

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 08:34

Two digital tube display design is two digital tube display system based on AT89S52 single chip microcomputer, controlled by AT89S52 devices, using C language to write the two dynamic display of digital tube loop scanning special proceres. Digital tube by MCU to control the I/O port. Reset with capacitance and switch in parallel. The clock with 12 m crystals and two ceramics capacitors to control. By MCU chip selected signal control digital tube lamp, make its light in turn, e to the human eye has the property of persistence of vision and the light effect of digital tube, and the scanning frequency is high enough, therefore the human eye is feeling out of the change of the digital tube.

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