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高中英语演讲作文《my dream》三分钟 关于医生

发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-20 13:15



热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 10:18

Dear teachers and students, good afternoon !Today,I'm very glad to stand here to share my dream with you.

Everyone has a dream. Some people want to be rich,some people want to be famous.Different people have different dreams. I have a great dream,too. I dream of being a doctor. My mother is a doctor. She always has to work extra hours and comes home late and tired. She has to go to the hospital immediately any time she is needed, no matter how late it is at night. When I was very little and still in primary school, I once asked her why she chose such a boring and hard job. She answered with a smile, “Yes I am sometimes very tired but seeing my patients getting better and better makes me happy from the bottom of my heart.”
  As I grow up, I graally come to understand her words and realize doctors are noble. I made up my mind to be a doctor when I was in junior school and this has never changed since then.
  I really hope to see a world where there is no cancer, no Aids, no fatal disease, no one suffering from illness. But this is only a fantasy. What about the reality? There are still many many people who are faced with disastrous disease and suffering from constant pain. There are still many many people living in miserable condition and live miserably. There are still many many people dying of cancer and leaving the beautiful world reluctantly. All those things make me feel sad because I think everyone has the right to live . I want to help the sick and rece their pain as much as I can. I want to bring a healthy body to the patients and save their lives as many as I can. I want to see people cured ,living happily with their families and friends after my treatment. So I want to be a doctor ,an angel in white.
There is an old saying "where is a will,there is a way." I believe "Nothing is impossible" So I think my dream can come true.
That’s all.Thanks for listening !
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