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跪求汉译英 急~~~急~~急~

发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-18 08:43



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 02:12

The university for four years of study, make I constantly mature, learned a lot of professional knowledge, and understand how to survive in society. As a fresh out of college, I don't have work experience, but I believe that will be very easy to melt into the society. I am a strong sense of responsibility person, is a neat worker, after working, I will scrupulously to complete my task, deferential arrangement. Character cheerful, calm and steady, has the vigor, fervent, sincere to others. Communicate modestly, with each other.
大学四年的学习,使我不断地成熟,学到了很多的专业知识,并懂得了如何在社会生存。作为一个刚毕业的大学生,我没什么工作经验,但我坚信会很容易融进这个社会。我是一个责任感很强的人,做事干净利落,参加工作后,我会一丝不苟地去完成我的任务,服从上级的安排。性格开朗、稳重、有活力,待人热情、真诚。虚心与人交流,以取长补短。 Main course: introction to logistics, international logistics management, logistics management information, commodity learning, etc

Relevant certificates: assistant logistics division

Computer level: skilled with office software

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 02:12

Four years of university study, so I continue to mature, and learned a lot of expertise and know how to survive in society. As a recent graate, I do not have work experience, but I am sure will be very easy to melt into the community. I am a man of great responsibility, to do things cleanly, to work, I will scrupulously to complete my task, obedience to a superior arrangement. Cheerful, stable, vibrant, warm, sincere. With an open mind and communicate to each other.

参考资料:goole 翻译

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 02:12

The university for four years of study, make I constantly mature, learned a lot of professional knowledge, and understand how to survive in society. As a fresh out of college, I don't have work experience, but I believe that will be very easy to melt into the society. I am a strong sense of responsibility person, is a neat worker, after working, I will scrupulously to complete my task, deferential arrangement. Character cheerful, calm and steady, has the vigor, fervent, sincere to others. Communicate modestly, with each other.
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