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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-18 09:49



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 07:50

First of all, pregnant women must be relaxed attitude, the face of easy pregnancy and birth of new life. In China, pregnant women are often the first and last time, after the pregnancy is so happy and psychological fear, often because it is the first pregnancy, more concerned about. If the body can not be afraid of their own competence; not afraid of fetal development; afraid of the event can not be sick at this time how to do drugs; afraid of economic changes in the family; afraid of their own status, changes in interpersonal relationships. Worried that this series of emotional instability caused by pregnant women. But these are not do not, and will only affect fetal development. In the meantime, the family is very important given the concern of family members to accompany and comfort, surrounded by relatives and friends concerned about appropriate, so that pregnant women feel that living in the family and social environment was very warm. I am more pregnant women should be aware that pregnancy is a normal physiological phenomenon, there is no need to fear that he will be the future of the child's mother, the family will be one more lovely baby, this is how happy the matter must be a relaxed attitude to face the
Second, pregnant women after a certain amount of movement to carry out. In China, women in pregnancy there will be ten months long, usually a long period of pregnant women will stay at home, they are afraid of an accident on the outside or the impact of fetal exposure to the bacteria. But this is unscientific, pregnant women must be the right amount of exercise, fresh air every day to go out and do some simple movements. Appropriate activities will give your baby's health and more strong, but also concive to the health of pregnant women.
III. Nutrition ring pregnancy is important, but should be adequate. Afraid a lot of pregnant women, inadequate nutrition lead to adverse fetal development, they added over-nutrition, this can easily lead to excessive weight after birth, pregnant women will be easier to obesity. Pregnant women to eat the best protein, sugar, fat, vitamin rich foods. Such as eggs, beans, grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Must refrain from the excessive amount. Strong tea, tobacco, wine, pepper impact on pregnant women and fetuses, is unfit for consumption, do not eat salty food. With a reasonable and balanced diet, pregnant with this baby all the best.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 07:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 07:50

First of all, pregnant women must be relaxed attitude, the face of easy pregnancy and birth of new life. In China, pregnant women are often the first and last time, after the pregnancy is so happy and psychological fear, often because it is the first pregnancy, more concerned about. If the body can not be afraid of their own competence; not afraid of fetal development; afraid of the event can not be sick at this time how to do drugs; afraid of economic changes in the family; afraid of their own status, changes in interpersonal relationships. Worried that this series of emotional instability caused by pregnant women. But these are not do not, and will only affect fetal development. In the meantime, the family is very important given the concern of family members to accompany and comfort, surrounded by relatives and friends concerned about appropriate, so that pregnant women feel that living in the family and social environment was very warm. I am more pregnant women should be aware that pregnancy is a normal physiological phenomenon, there is no need to fear that he will be the future of the child's mother, the family will be one more lovely baby, this is how happy the matter must be a relaxed attitude to face the
Second, pregnant women after a certain amount of movement to carry out. In China, women in pregnancy there will be ten months long, usually a long period of pregnant women will stay at home, they are afraid of an accident on the outside or the impact of fetal exposure to the bacteria. But this is unscientific, pregnant women must be the right amount of exercise, fresh air every day to go out and do some simple movements. Appropriate activities will give your baby's health and more strong, but also concive to the health of pregnant women.
III. Nutrition ring pregnancy is important, but should be adequate. Afraid a lot of pregnant women, inadequate nutrition lead to adverse fetal development, they added over-nutrition, this can easily lead to excessive weight after birth, pregnant women will be easier to obesity. Pregnant women to eat the best protein, sugar, fat, vitamin rich foods. Such as eggs, beans, grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Must refrain from the excessive amount. Strong tea, tobacco, wine, pepper impact on pregnant women and fetuses, is unfit for consumption, do not eat salty food. With a reasonable and balanced diet, pregnant with this baby all the best.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 07:51

Presentation as a result of the recent examinations, but the search to a more professional articles, which an expert to help the trouble of translation translation ah ~ ~ because it is a speaking test, the wording of sentence should not be too urgent emergency official ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ after very grateful is the article ~ ~ ~
First of all, pregnant women must be relaxed attitude, the face of easy pregnancy and birth of new life. In China, pregnant women are often the first and last time, after the pregnancy is so happy and psychological fear, often because it is the first pregnancy, more concerned about. If the body can not be afraid of their own competence; not afraid of fetal development; afraid of the event can not be sick at this time how to do drugs; afraid of economic changes in the family; afraid of their own status, changes in interpersonal relationships. Worried that this series of emotional instability caused by pregnant women. But these are not do not, and will only affect fetal development. In the meantime, the family is very important given the concern of family members to accompany and comfort, surrounded by relatives and friends concerned about appropriate, so that pregnant women feel that living in the family and social environment was very warm. I am more pregnant women should be aware that pregnancy is a normal physiological phenomenon, there is no need to fear that he will be the future of the child's mother, the family will be one more lovely baby, this is how happy the matter must be a relaxed attitude to face the
Second, pregnant women after a certain amount of movement to carry out. In China, women in pregnancy there will be ten months long, usually a long period of pregnant women will stay at home, they are afraid of an accident on the outside or the impact of fetal exposure to the bacteria. But this is unscientific, pregnant women must be the right amount of exercise, fresh air every day to go out and do some simple movements. Appropriate activities will give your baby's health and more strong, but also concive to the health of pregnant women.
III. Nutrition ring pregnancy is important, but should be adequate. Afraid a lot of pregnant women, inadequate nutrition lead to adverse fetal development, they added over-nutrition, this can easily lead to excessive weight after birth, pregnant women will be easier to obesity. Pregnant women to eat the best protein, sugar, fat, vitamin rich foods. Such as eggs, beans, grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Must refrain from the excessive amount. Strong tea, tobacco, wine, pepper impact on pregnant women and fetuses, is unfit for consumption, do not eat salty food. With a reasonable and balanced diet, pregnant with this baby all the best.
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