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Love is the answer(当你孤单你会想起谁) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-27 12:54



热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 16:51

歌曲名:Love is the answer(当你孤单你会想起谁)
歌手:Sofia Kallgren

Sofia Kallgren 索菲娅·格林 -《Love Is The Answer》
never thought i feel this way
but i almost lost my way
i was blind without a trace
I always had trust him being myself
but suddenly i quote for nothing
i was walking in the air
i was searching everywhere for a guidance for a plan
i was running in circles when no place to go
but so my word was trembling i had you
now i am right on my way closer each day
you shared my darkest moment
coz the road is so long to walk all alone
but you gave me strength
you've got to believe it
Love is the answer it heals soar heart
gives you the light when the night is dark
Love is the answer and love is forever
Love is what makes us going on
instead of wondering just why
your love brighten up the sky
like a flame that shows my way
and how it gives me hope
just look in your eyes
a feeling that i will keep forever
i live closer to my dreams
it's not only what it seems I am honest to my heart
i need to let the winter just pass away
i need to let the sunshine come and stay
now i am right on my way closer each day
you shared my darkest moment
coz the road is so long to walk alone
but you gave me strength
you've got to believe it
Love is the answer it heals soar heart
gives you the light when the night is dark
Love is the answer and love is forever
Love is what makes us going on
Love is the answer it heals soar heart
gives you the light when the night is dark
Love is the answer, love is forever and
Love is what makes us going on
Love is the answer, love is forever
Love is what makes us going on

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