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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-26 04:25



热心网友 时间:2023-12-15 03:29

1.Supply chain is a series of activities which are relevant to meet customer's need,it includes procurement,manufacturing,distribution,scrap disposal and related transportation,storage and information technology.

2.Packaging performs two basic functions,sales and logistics.In the marketing sense,package acts as a form of promotion and advertising.

3.The major purpose of the third party logistics suppliers is to rece the total logistics cost for supplier and improve customer service level.They serve as the bridge between the first party(suppliers or proces)and the second party(buyers or customers).

4.The proct's life in the market is shorter than the time which is spent on the proct's design,perchasement,proction and distribution.

5.Customizing can meet all kinds of procts and quantities that certain customers need.

6.It will win great success when manufactures devote all the activities related to management to meet customer's expectation.

7.The lead time of purchasing refers to the time between making decision to buy to receiving goods,it includes the time of preparatation of an order,queueing,processing,transporting,receiving and checking.

热心网友 时间:2023-12-15 03:30

1.Supplying with the chain refers to meeting a series of relevant activities of customer's demand. It includes purchasing, makes, distributes, waste disposal and relevant transportation, storage and information technology

2.The packaging carries out two basic functions, selling and logistics. Say, the packaging is shown as promoting and advertising form from meaning of selling

3.Primary goal of the logistics provider of the third party is to rece the cost of total logistics for the supplier, improve customer's service level. They serve as one party (supplier or procer) and second square bridge of (buyer or customer).

4.The life-span of the procts on the market is shorter compared with to spend in the design, purchase, time when is proce and worthy of sending to of this proct

5.The customer can meet various procts and quantity that the particular customer need to customize.

6.When the all activities related to managing of manufacturer are devoted to the expectation satisfied with the customer, will make enterprises obtain enormous success

7.It refers to it from determining to buy to the time to receive articles to purchase leading time, including order makeup-time, waiting time, processing time, transportation time of lining up, and receive and the Check-Out Time.
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