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帮忙翻译成英语 急急急急!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-26 23:28



热心网友 时间:2024-11-11 08:50

My Holiday

My holiday was very boring. There was no one to hang out with me, so I was stuck at home all day, doing nothing but playing on the computer and sleeping. A while ago I went to my hometown Jiulong. I thought it would be very fun, but contrary to my expectations, my little brothers were all at coaching school and doing homework, my older brothers were in the countryside. I couldn't find anything common to talk about with the alts. There were no computers there either, so all I could do was sleep. After returning to Kanding and finding that all my friends had returned and completed their homework, I had to do my homework all day. This was my holiday, the most boring holiday I've had!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-11 08:50

My summer vacation
My summer vacation life is boring, no one to play with me, I only have a indoorsman, not play computer games is to sleep. Some time ago to the hometown of Kowloon, originally think is fun, but surprisingly, the younger brothers are doing work, tuition, the brothers went to the countryside, I like the grown-ups have no common language, there is a computer, so it is still sleeping. Back in Kangding, found that partners are back, and finished my homework, I only do homework all day. My summer vacation life is only in this way, this is my most boring summer life!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-11 08:51

My summer vacation in my summer life is very boring, no one to play with me, I only have a indoorsman, not play computer games is to sleep. Some time ago to the hometown of Kow- loon,originally think is fun, but surprisingly, the younger brothers are doing work, tuition, the brothers went to the countryside, I likethe grown-ups have no common language, there is a computer,so it is still sleeping. Back in Kangding, found that partners areback, and finished my homework, I only do homework all day.My summer vacation life is only in this way, this is my mostboring summer life!


追答不好意思,我多加了一个“-”在第二排 hometown of 的后面,应该是 Kowloon,中间没有这个的 - 内容都是对的,不过翻译的时候不可能是一字不差,有的单词意思一大堆,要根据语言环境来进行适当的改变

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