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母亲节的由来 英文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 00:44



热心网友 时间:2022-05-28 07:41

Mother's Day, as a holiday to thank mothers, first appeared in ancient Greece on January 8, while in China, the United States, Canada and some other countries, it is the second Sunday in May.

Other countries have different dates. Mothers usually receive gifts on this day. Carnations are considered flowers for mothers. And our mother's flower is Hemerocallis fulva, also called Forget Sadness Grass.

Historians claim that it was probably in ancient Greece that people celebrated the Festival of the Goddess of Ria. The goddess was the mother of Zeus, from whom almost all the Greek gods came.

On this day, the ancient Greeks paid tribute to the mother of the Greek gods, Cybele (the mother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hera and Hestia, hence the mother of the gods).

By the time of ancient Rome, the scale of these activities became larger, and celebrations often lasted for three days. Of course, the worship of goddess in ancient times was just a superstition, which is quite different from the respect of motherhood today.

In the mid-17th century, Mother's Day spread to England. The fourth Sunday of Lent was regarded as Mother's Day by the British. On this day, young people who go out will return home and bring small gifts to their mothers.






热心网友 时间:2022-05-28 08:59

The origin of the mother's day

From what time to celebrate mother's day start?
Reportedly, the earliest is the ancient greeks, to honor the Greek god Rhea, the mother of started festivals.
The mother's day, the United States
In The United States, The earliest recorded on mother's day was first suggested in 1872 by by riley, Julia Ward Howe and Abigail (see The Battle Hymn Of The proposed by The author). She suggested that will be the day to "peace" and held mother's day in Boston the rally.
In 1907 Ana Juruif Anna (Philadelphia) to launch confirmed national mother's day and activities, she persuaded mother belongs in the church, her mother second anniversary and death - the second Sunday of may hold mother's day celebration. The next year, Philadelphia held on the same day also started the day celebration. Later, Anna and her supporters began to write to ministers, entrepreneurs, politicians, asked to confirm the national mother's day, be accepted.
In 1911, almost all U.S. states mother's day was celebrated. In 1914, President Wilson issued an official statement let mother's day become a national holiday, is the second Sunday of may.
The mother's day 2007 Britain
The seventeenth century England, for expression of British mothers respect, but ordered observed on the fourth Sunday of lent for "Mothering occur," people in this day visiting parents, and home causes gift honour. (note: mid-lent refers to Easter eve before the 40 days, except on Sunday.
At the time, many of the poor must in rich family have been forced from their homes, and makes helper in his home, in lodging Mothering occur this day, owners will put them false, and encourage them to return home with mom reunion. To increase the happy atmosphere, also developed a special cake called mothering cake -.
With the spread of god in Christ in Europe, the festival of "Mother plays" to express the reverence to give their people, life, and protect them from harm spiritual strength thanks. Since then, the church's ceremony with mother's day and the celebration in combination, and deliver to the mother and the church people honored.
The mother's day, all over the world
Although, many countries are in a year of different season celebrate their own mother's day. However, most of the countries and regions such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia and Belgium and Taiwan, are to celebrate mother's day on the second Sunday in May.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-28 10:33

The history of Mother's Day

The earliest Mother's Day celebrations are traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea, the Mother of the Gods.

During the 1600's, England celebrated a day called "Mothering Sunday", celebrated on the 4th Sunday of Lent . "Mothering Sunday" honored the mothers of England. During this time many of the England's poor worked as servants for the wealthy. As most jobs were located far from their homes, the servants would live at the houses of their employers. On Mothering Sunday the servants would have the day off and were encouraged to return home and spend the day with their mothers. A special cake, called the mothering cake, was often brought along to provide a festive touch.

As Christianity spread throughout Europe the celebration changed to honor the "Mother Church" -- the spiritual power that gave them life and protected them from harm. Over time the church festival blended with the Mothering Sunday celebration . People began honoring their mothers as well as the church.

In the United States Mother's Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe as a day dedicated to peace.

In 1907 Ana Jarvis, from Philadelphia, began a campaign to establish a national Mother's Day. Ms. Jarvis persuaded her mother's church in Grafton, West Virginia to celebrate Mother's Day on the second anniversary of her mother's death, the 2nd Sunday of May. By the next year Mother's Day was also celebrated in Philadelphia.

Ms. Jarvis and her supporters began to write to ministers, businessman, and politicians in their quest to establish a national Mother's Day. It was successful, by 1911 Mother's Day was celebrated in almost every state. President Woodrow

Wilson, in 1914, made the official announcement proclaiming Mother's Day a national holiday that was to be held each year on the 2nd Sunday of May.

While many countries of the world celebrate their own Mother's Day at different times throughout the year, there are some countries such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, and Belgium which also celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday of May.

Richer Than Gold
-- Strickland Gillilan (1869-1954)
I had a mother who read me things
That wholesome life to the boy heart brings --
Stories that stir with an upward touch,
Oh, that each mother of boys were such!

You may have tangible wealth untold;
Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.
Richer than I you can never be --
I had a mother who read to me.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-28 12:25

From what time to celebrate mother's day start?
Reportedly, the earliest is the ancient greeks, to honor the Greek god Rhea, the mother of started festivals.
The mother's day, the United States
In The United States, The earliest recorded on mother's day was first suggested in 1872 by by riley, Julia Ward Howe and Abigail (see The Battle Hymn Of The proposed by The author). She suggested that will be the day to "peace" and held mother's day in Boston the rally.
In 1907 Ana Juruif Anna (Philadelphia) to launch confirmed national mother's day and activities, she persuaded mother belongs in the church, her mother second anniversary and death - the second Sunday of may hold mother's day celebration. The next year, Philadelphia held on the same day also started the day celebration. Later, Anna and her supporters began to write to ministers, entrepreneurs, politicians, asked to confirm the national mother's day, be accepted.
In 1911, almost all U.S. states mother's day was celebrated. In 1914, President Wilson issued an official statement let mother's day become a national holiday, is the second Sunday of may.
The mother's day 2007 Britain
The seventeenth century England, for expression of British mothers respect, but ordered observed on the fourth Sunday of lent for "Mothering occur," people in this day visiting parents, and home causes gift honour. (note: mid-lent refers to Easter eve before the 40 days, except on Sunday.
At the time, many of the poor must in rich family have been forced from their homes, and makes helper in his home, in lodging Mothering occur this day, owners will put them false, and encourage them to return home with mom reunion. To increase the happy atmosphere, also developed a special cake called mothering cake -.
With the spread of god in Christ in Europe, the festival of "Mother plays" to express the reverence to give their people, life, and protect them from harm spiritual strength thanks. Since then, the church's ceremony with mother's day and the celebration in combination, and deliver to the mother and the church people honored.
The mother's day, all over the world
Although, many countries are in a year of different season celebrate their own mother's day. However, most of the countries and regions such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia and Belgium and Taiwan, are to celebrate mother's day on the second Sunday in May.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-28 14:33


母亲节的来源英文:Mother's Day may have originated in ancient Greece, which is an idolatry activity. People celebrate the festival of the goddess Lya, on which the ancient Greeks paid tribute to the mother of the Greek gods.By the time of ancient Rome, the scale of these activi...


In the United States, the earliest Mother's Day was proposed by Julia in 1872.Proposed Peace Day and held a Mother's Day conference in Boston.Anna Jarvis, a Philadelphia woman, celebrates Mother's Day every year in memory of her mother.译文:母亲节的来历 母亲节的起源可以追溯到...


中文:母亲节的由来 母亲节的传统起源于古希腊对女神的崇拜。17世纪中叶,母亲节流传到英国。美国贾维斯夫人母女对纪念和赞扬母亲终生不懈,1914年美国国会正式确立每年5月的第二个星期日为母亲节。威尔逊总统率先自己的住宅悬挂国旗节以表达对美利坚合众国全体母亲的热爱和尊敬。之后,得到世界众多国家支持,...


母亲节的由来 来历 英文版 The history of Mother's Day The earliest Mother's Day celebrations are traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea, the Mother of the Gods.During the 1600's, England celebrated a day called "Mothering Sunday", celebrated on...


17世纪中叶,母亲节流传到英国,英国人把封斋期的第四个星期天作为母亲节。在这一天里,出门在外的年轻人将回到家中,给他们的母亲带上一些小礼物。1876年,美国还在悲悼南北战争的死者。安娜·查维斯夫人(Anna Jarvis)在礼拜堂讲授美国国殇纪念日的课程,讲到战役中捐躯的英雄故事后,她进行祈祷时说:“...

母亲节的由来英文版 五月第二个周日英语怎么说

母亲节的由来英文版 Mothers Day may have originated in ancient Greece, which is an idolatry activity. People celebrate the festival of the goddess Lya, on which the ancient Greeks paid tribute to the mother of the Greek gods.By the time of ancient Rome, the scale of these ...


母亲节的由来英文简介版 母亲节的来历英文版:The history of Mother's Day The earliest Mother's Day celebrations are traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea, the Mother of the Gods.During the 1600's, England celebrated a day called “...


母亲节由来英文:Mother"s Day was first suggested in the United States in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe as a day dedicated to peace. A campaign to establish a National Mother"s Day was begun in 1907.It was successful, by 1911 Mother"s Day was celebrated in almost every state in ...




母亲节起源于希腊,古希腊人在这一天向希腊神话中的众神之母 赫拉致敬.在17世纪中叶,母亲节流传到英国,英国人把封斋期的第 四个星期天作为母亲节.在这一天里,出门在外的年青人将回到家中, 给他们的母亲带上一些小礼物.现代意义上的母亲节起源于美国,由Amanm、Jarvis(1864-1948) 发起,她终身未婚,...

母亲节的由来英文简介 母亲节的来历英语版简短 母亲节的由来英文版简短 父亲节的由来英文 母亲节英语手抄报 中秋节英语简短5句 母亲节的由来英语介绍简短 父亲节的由来 中国的父亲节和母亲节的由来
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